Saturday, October 28, 2017

October 22nd-October 28th, 2017

Hola amiguitos!

It’s preparation day again around here since next week will be pretty busy as we go to the three zone conferences in Málaga, Sevilla and Alicante and have the mission council meeting. So that’s why I’m emailing today. Next pday will be November 6th. 

Here’s a quick rundown of the last few days. Hermana Torjesen and I have been running around like CRAZY, but we’ve been having a lot of fun doing it. 

On Tuesday we had district meeting, planned zone conference and had a really good lesson with our investigator Nadia. She has been studying the Bible and the Book of Mormon and is working on finding her answers. I bear testimony of the prophetic promise extended by President Monson that as we read the Book of Mormon every day, “we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven’s help in our lives.” I have seen this help from heaven in my life and continue to see it as I put my trust in Christ.

From Wednesday to Friday we had exchanges with Hermana Pickett and Hermana Solórzano and then with Hermana Clark and Hermana Villegas. I had a good time working with those hermanas. We taught some lessons and got to meet a lot of people and talk to them about this gospel. We met a lot of teenagers who are interested in learning more! One of them, a 13 year old named Nuria, was so happy to talk with us and when we gave her a Book of Mormon, she got really quiet and a peace came over her. We testified about Christ and left her Alma 7 to read at home. She thanked us and said she’d read it right when she got home!

This week we also made a lot of banana bread, organized a Halloween activity and made 183 cookies with frosting. Friday night we had a 4 ward Halloween activity and it turned out well! We played carnival games, ate and had a nice time together. 

And today we took a really fun trip tooooo GIBRALTAR! It’s a British (yes, British 🇬🇧) city on the very southern tip of Spain. We explored some cool caves, took pictures with monkeys, walked though impressive tunnel systems from World War 2 and climbed a whole bunch of stairs. I sure am grateful to be here in Spain and be able to do fun things like this as well as serve the Lord!

I’ve got some better Gibraltar pictures on my camera so I’ll send those home next week.

This morning Hermana Torjesen I were walking and we had this conversation:

Hermana Torjesen: Do you see that plane, Hermana?
Me: Yeah.
Her: How far away is that plane?
Me: Well... it looks pretty close!
Her: I would say it’s about 4 weeks away!

It’s true, folks. We’re almost at the one month left mark. But, no worries, the Lord has still got lots of work for me to do here in Spain! I love you all, thanks to those of you who still read about my week!

Love, Hermana Moore

Hermana Clark and Hermana Villegas! 

Our cookies!


Lunch on the go! Elder Medina, Elder Köhler, Elder Jamison and Elder Gentry, Hermana Torjesen and I. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 17th-October 22nd, 2017

It has been QUITE the week around here! It’s been transfer week and with Hermana Gentry heading home (she’s home now!), we had a few days of craziness. On Tuesday we got to help out with the orientation of the new missionaries! I got to go with Herman Andersen and pick up a couple missionaries from the airport and then meet back up with the rest of the trainees at the mission home. We spoke for a while and welcomed them to the mission. It was fun to remember being there with my trainer, Hermana DeBoard. It seems like such a long time ago.

On Wednesday Hermana Gentry finished up her packing and I went to send her off on a train. I spent some time at the station with other missionaries until Hermana Torjesen, my new companion arrived!! That night we had english class and the ward family home evening and finished off with a bit of contacting. I’m excited for this transfer with her! We’re going to see a lot of miracles together.

On Thursday we did weekly planning and then that afternoon we had a few lessons and had a lot of time to contact. On Friday we ended up meeting six people who want to learn more and it was awesome! It was 10:13 and we had two more minutes until we went in. We got the feeling that we needed to go back to a bigger street and contact the first person we ran into. We followed that impression and walked on that street for several minutes until we saw the first person walking towards us. Then we met Paloma! She’s 18, plays the alto saxophone and is interested in learning more! God is so, so good to us. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost and the opportunity we have to follow the will of God by listening to the impressions we receive.

My testimony of prayer and studying to find answers had been strengthened this week. Lately, I have been struggling with a few things and so I got down on my knees and asked God what I needed to do. Then, I started studying in the scriptures and other resources and found my answer, clear as day. God is aware of me and I know that He is aware of you as well.

I love you all! Have a great week!

*****My next pday will be this Saturday (October 28th) since the following week will be full of conferences and mission council. So I’ll email again in just a few days!

Love, Hermana Moore 

The view from the mission home.

Hermana Torjesen and I. 

 Málaga at night 

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 10th-October 16th, 2017

Helloooo! This week was week six of the transfer which means that Hermana Gentry said a lot of good byes. This week we had a long, full week packed of tender mercies form the Lord. A lot of our lessons fell through and so when we got to teach a lesson, we were really grateful for it! I couldn’t ask for a better companion to help me through this week. We focused on gratitude this week and by doing so, we truly saw the Lord’s hand more frequently in the work. We were able to begin teaching two investigators again who had fallen away a little bit. We have a renewed sense of hope with both of them.

We used to be teaching Nadia, a young woman who lives with a member family. But then she started working a LOT and stopped being able to meet. But this week when we went to eat with the family, we were able to teach her! Now she changed jobs and can meet more frequently. She has a sincere desire to know if this church is true and she already has a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon! 

We also were able to meet with Estella again. She’s the Colombian woman I talked about a few weeks ago. We taught her a good Restoration lesson and I think we’ll be able to keep teaching her more frequently now.

At the end of my time with Hermana Gentry in Granada, I wrote President Andersen in my letter to him the following:

“Even though I know that God may have different plans for me and I know that you and He both know that I will happily and willingly serve where you need me, but if my wishes could be added in, I really want another transfer here in Granada! I'm sure you get this all the time and I'm sure you've explained this a million times to missionaries writing you the very same thing I am writing you, but I love these people so much and I love my dear companion Hermana Gentry. But God knows best and I will go where the Lord needs me to go.”

I am so grateful for this other transfer to be with Hermana Gentry. God really does give us what we want when it’s possible. :) We have both improved a lot and it has been such a blessing to serve with her again. She’s headed home on Thursday morning but I’ll see her at BYU in January! 

My new companion is..... HERMANA TORJESEN! She’s from Norway and she’s one of the sweetest people to ever live.

I love you all! Have a great week!!
Love, Hermana Moore

 Hermana Gentry. ❤️ 

Hermana Gentry said a lot of goodbyes this week. :(

With some of the best elders, Elder Medina and Elder Rogers. 

Eating out at 100 Montaditos (100 baby sandwiches).

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 3rd-October 9th, 2017

Hi friends!

Hermana Gentry and I had a week of God directing and redirecting us. A
few of our progressing investigators dropped us for various reasons
and lot of lessons and plans fell through. But that's okay because
that made us stop and ask, "what does God need us to do right now?" He
has led us to people who needed our help or has led us to blessings He
prepared for us.

On Tuesday we had exchanges with Hermana Wood and Hermana Favero and
it was fun to work with those ladies.

Saturday was a contacting day! All of the lessons we had planned fell
through so we contacted basically all morning and night and it was
awesome. We recognized that it was God's will and just embraced it for
the day. We were about to go home for lunch when we smiled at a man
who was fixing his car. He looked at us and gave us a big smile so we
went to talk to him. His name was Daniel and he's a cool Argentinian
guy who wants to learn more! That made the whole day of contacting
worth it.

Sorry this week is super short but that's all I've got for now!

I love you all lots! Thanks for your support and love.

Hermana Moore

Exchanges with Hermana Wood and Hermana Favero
Lunch with President and Hermana Andersen before transfer meeting! I haven't had lasagna since home. :)
Just a normal night in Spain. A procession going right outside our window. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

September 26th-October 2nd, 2017

This week was full of exchanges and finding new people to teach! We
had exchanges with Hermana Pickett and Hermana McKeown and a few days
later with Hermana Stilson and Hermana Clark.

Okay. There's a few cool people I want to tell you all about.

Christian. He's a guy I met with Hermana Pickett on exchanges. We
offered to give him a tour of the church and we met up on Thursday to
do that! The tour went really well and we had a good talk about his
beliefs and the message that we share as missionaries.

A week ago we received a referral of a lady named Estella. I talked
about her last week. She's a woman from Colombia who lets anyone
talking about God into her house. She loved our first visit but when
we went back, she started out by saying that she loved our visit but
she never tends people back again. She was about to say goodbye and
send us on our way when we began to testify to her. After that we sat
there talking with her for twenty more minutes by the end she was
saying, "I don't know what is different about you two, but I feel so
good! You need to come back!" Yesterday we visited her for the third
time, which in her words is completely unheard of for her. She always
talks about the good feeling she gets when we walk in the door and the
absence of something when we leave. I know that that something is the
Spirit. :)

By far one of the most bizarre lessons I've been in. Armando is a guy
the elders contacted a few weeks ago. They passed his number to us and
we set up a time to meet. He shows up 40 minutes late and is wearing a
suit and is walking a little white dog. We walk to a little park since
we don't have a lot of time and when we sit down on a dirty bench in a
dimly lit park with kids running around he says, "uhh don't you know
who I am?" Uhhhh Armando? "No, I'm Armando Robles and I have my own
talk show every Thursday night at 7." Surprised that we don't
recognize him (HA. we don't even watch tv!), he pulls out his phone
and pulls up a news page with his face plastered on it. First he
starts talking about how much he loves Donald Trump and how two weeks
after he was elected he spoke to him on the phone. We were ready to
get out of there... but then the lesson took a turn. He talked about
how impressed he is with how good the youth are and how many good
things the Church does. He tells us that he wants to hear what we're
all about and what are beliefs are that make us good, charitable
people. We taught him about he Book of Mormon and he's eager to start
reading it. He told us several times that there's something missing in
his life that money, fame and success just doesn't seem to fill. I
know that that hole can only be filled with the love of God and
obedience to the commandments. We're excited to keep teaching him! He
offered to let us come on the show but I don't think that'll he
happening... hahaha.

General Conference was awesome! I haven't watched all the sessions yet
but I have received so much revelation for myself, my life and the
missionary work in this area. God has been really good to us this past
week. We've been contacting a lot and God has been leading us to find
people who are ready to listen!

Today we spent Pday downtown buying souvenirs for Hermana Gentry to
take home. I couldn't feel happier to be a missionary. I love my
companion, I love this area, and I love my calling.

I love you all!

Love, Hermana Moore

Exchanges with Hermana McKeown and Hermana Pickett
 Hermana Stilson and Hermana Clark
Málaga streets. :)