Monday, August 29, 2016

August 22nd-August 28th--Trio life

Last Tuesday we had district meeting and it was so sad to hear Hermana DeBoard's last testimony! Afterwards we headed to the bus station to pick up one of my new companions! Hermana Gibson! We had a cita with Marina and her family and she made us pica machu which is a dish from Bolivia. It was French fries with meat, hot dogs, peppers, and an egg and I really liked us. Marina took her English skills for a spin and told us what the meat was.

Marina: "cut?"Us: "huh?"Marina: "ohh C-A-T"Us: "oh... It's so good...."

Hahahaha being a missionary is great.

It was a really sweet time with them though. After Marina, we went to Fatima's house and she fed us wayyyy to much. But such is life when companions leave an area. Hermana DeBoard left at 9:20 ish on Wednesday morning and it was so sad to write in her transfer journal and remember all the good times we had together! I couldn't have asked for a better trainer. Once she left I was officially in charge of leading the area and a few hours later my other new companion arrived! I'll come back to how our week went. 

The blonde trio is alive! Seriously, who's idea was it to put three of the blondest girls together to venture around Spain together??! (Oh yeah. It was God's idea. He probably knows what He's doing) We've got some awesome comments on the street and even more staring than usual.

Hermana Højholdt (still working on the pronunciation... I usually slaughter it) is from Denmark and she ha 8 months in the mission. She is so obedient and sweet and I have so much to learn from her. Hermana Gibson is from Utah (CLARO) and got to Spain three weeks before I did. She is so loving and we're always laughing. We make an awesome team although we're still working on the balance for teaching lessons. We went to eat at a members house (Patricia) and her husband served in California. He was in trios for a year of his mission and said at least 27 times that he HATED his time in a trio. But putting aside all the negative comments I've heard, I am absolutely loving it so far. There are two ways that missionaries get along: 1.if they're being disobedient together. 2. If they're being exactly obedient together. The three of us are taking the high road and we're making each other more hardworking, focused missionaries. I am so excited to see what this transfer holds for us. 

We've seen a lot of little miracles this week. On Wednesday afternoon we passed by a few people and tried to see if they actually lived there. One teaching record said Gertrudis but we couldn't figure out which apartment was hers. We got into the building and went to the floor we thought it was. It didn't end up being hers. We started walking out and Hermana Gibson turned around and looked at me and we both said at the same time that we should knock doors. The first door we knocked we found a lady named.... 
GERTRUDIS. God is so cool. She pretended to not know who we were and said she didn't want anything to do with the church... So that was weird. But it just showed us that God is aware of what we are doing. Another time this week we weren't having any luck passing by people so we de died to knock doors. It easier to knock doors when we can get into an apartment building and talk to people over their doorstep rather than their intercom. None of the doors we were passing were open and so Hermana Gibson says, you just have to have faith and pushed on a door and IT OPENED. We went in and talked to a family and on the way out of the building we checked to see how solid the doors was and it was a heavy metal door and it didn't budge when I pushed on it. Again, God is so cool. 

Our investigator Eddy has a baptismal date for September 17th! So that the goal we're working towards with him. He had a lot of questions and I love answering them because they make me think and build my own testimony.

I've been leading the area which basically means I'm the only one out of the three of us who knows where to go. It's been good for me and I'm getting better at directions and God has definitely been helping me out with feeling more confident and sure about myself.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, we are having what is called a "cosecha". Cosecha means harvest and it's going to be a "harvest" of people who are ready to listen to the Gospel! We have 9 missionaries in Elche now and we are going to get all of them together for this activity in our area.  Each missionary will go on splits with a member from our ward to go out to contact and knock doors. Working with members is so important. We have been doing some planning for it and are really excited. We are hoping (trusting in the Lord!) to get a lot of future investigators. We prayed to know where to send each missionary and their companion and let me tell you, revelation is REAL. We prayed separately and then discussed our findings as a companionship and many of the streets were in the same area, if not the same exact street.

Church yesterday was just wonderful and Hermana Gibson and Hermana Højholdt got to meet our wonderful ward members. As I looked around in Sacrament meeting I realized how much I've come to love the people I get to serve here in Elche. I've been here for more than 3 months already. During Relief Society we stood up and testified of missionary work and invited the sisters to come and work with us for the cosecha and they got excited about it! So we have enough people for the hermanas in Elche to have a member companion! We also sent around a calendar for having us over for lunch and we're excited for all of our citas this week to get to know the members better.

I have such high hopes for this transfer with my lovely companions. We have already contacted more than I have in the last three and half months and I'm getting a lot more comfortable with just putting myself out there. We are going to to see so many miracles and I just can't wait. :)

Hermana Matsu and Hermana Giraldo just got put into the second ward of Elche and so now there's 5 of us in the same city! Our districts got jumbled around too so now in my district there are 5 hermanas and 2 elders! 

Have a wonderful week, pray a lot, and be happy!

Love, Hermana Moore

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 15th- August 21sr--Transfer calls!

Hola amigos míos!

This week has felt really long but also I don't know where it went! This week was the last week of my second transfer so that means I'm done with training already. My incredible trainer Hermana DeBoard is leaving me and I hope I'm ready to fend for myself here in Elche! We had an awesome last week together and had a lot of laughs. We've had an awesome three months together and I'll always have a lot of great memories from my training. She has such a positive attitude and has been so patient with me. She's taught me everything I need to know to be a successful missionary and now I've just got to get working on my weaknesses!

This week we worked a lot with contacting futures and we have a new investigator! His name is Eddy and he's a Nigerian guy who took the missionary lessons in Madrid for 3-4 months. We've met with him a few times and he'a really receptive. We teach him in English which is super weird.

After district meeting on Wednesday we had a party for Elder Hammond who hit a year in the mission! His mom sent him this awesome giant package with cake mix and Minion decorations and party bags for us to celebrate with. It was awesome and so fun! :)

We had an eating cita every day this week and it was so fun to meet with so many of the members. We probably gained five pounds but that's okay.

Transfer calls cameeee. Hermana DeBoard is going to Málaga (ward 4) and I'm staying here in Elche! We expected that to happen. Hermana Højholdt is coming to be my companion. But what we didn't expect is that Hermana Gibson is ALSO coming to be my companion! That's right, I'll be in a trio! If you remember, I was also in a trio in the MTC so the Lord was just preparing me! All I've heard about trios is that they are a test of patience so I think this transfer will be one of learning!

Ever since Saturday afternoon we have been prepping the apartment for a third(!!!!) Hermana which includes getting a new mattress, study chair, sheets, clothes drying rack (have I mentioned that not a lot of people have dryers here??), etc. we've called the owner of our apartment several times and he always laughs when we say we need more things. Apparently we're supposed to have 3 copies of the house key and we only have one. We've also been doing some deep cleaning and we've been dejunk-ifying the spare room. Other missionaries leave a lot of useless junk. We had a fun time with it though! I actually love cleaning and throwing other people's junk away is satisfying. This afternoon I'm going to pack Hermana DeBoard's suitcases and I'm excited because I love packing!

It's been a short one today but all the days and weeks have really started to squish together for me. Have a good week and enjoy the pictures! I love you all! Read your scriptures! Say your prayers! God has blessings he wants to give you but you've got to out in the work!

Hump day party for Elder Hammond. His mom went all out.

Theseare called Igos. Do these fruits exist in the States??

We found some fun things. 3 ping pong paddles, a bathrobe that's just my size!, reindeer thing-a-ma-bobs, about 7 unused first aid kits, and an adult Snow White costume.

A few weeks ago some, elders gave us a big bag of Kruteaz pancake mix and so we had pancakes this morning!

Hermana DeBord, Fina, Nanci. These women are such good role models for me. They are so loving and are constantly serving!

Well, I'll leave you with a view of our Jesus hallway. :) I can only imagine what the guy who came and fixed our sink thought as he walked down the hall. 

Love, Hermana Moore

Monday, August 15, 2016

August 8th- August 14-- Bautismos por miles habrá!

Hello friends!

Well it has been a ROLLER COASTER of a week. Lots of miracles and heart breaks and stress. Yay missionary work!

This week was our mission-wide consecration week so we set a lot of goals to be more focused missionaries and better servants of the Lord. Some of those included getting up at exactly on time (7:30) and having more edifying studies. On Tuesday we saw some miracles! We were a lot better at contacting this week and were able to talk to more people on the streets. We passed by an old investigator and she was so excited to see us! The hermanas dropped her awhile ago and Cattya didn't really know why. So we'll visit her this week to how we can help her come closer to Christ. :)
On Wednesday (August 10th) I hit 3 months on my mission! So that was exciting.

On Thursday I had an interview with President Andersen and it was so nice to talk with him. He is called as a mission president to oversee the missionaries serving in the region and we have interviews every couple months to keep us on track.

Spain has a lot of celebrations and this past weekend had several local festivals. Today is the day of the assumption. I don't actually know what that means... Or what it celebrates. All I know is that fireworks have been going off non-stop for the past week! It's times like these that I wish we could use google. Hahaha

On Saturday Marina and Nicole were baptized! We've been teaching them for a long time and there have been a lot of roadblocks in their way. Satan didn't give up and Saturday turned out to be a stressful day trying to pull everything together. Marina got sick the night before and she missed the bus so we started the baptism late. I always imagined baptisms on my mission differently. I imagined feeling so much peace and joy as I watched my investigator come out of the waters of baptism smiling. I got to experience the missionary's side of a baptism and witness all the trials impeding the path. Saturday was far from a peaceful, stress-free day but they got baptized!

I went to bed Saturday night with the feeling that Marina wouldn't be able to come to church the next day to be confirmed a member and receive the Holy Ghost. In my night prayer I prayed that she would be able to make it. Sure enough, at 8 am the next day we got a call from her and she said that she was feeling a lot worse and her her son had a fever. She really wanted to come to church but said she just couldn't do it. So we resigned and assured her it was okay if we waited and just did it next week. When we got to church and told the bishopric that she wasn't coming they looked confused and one of them said that he had just gotten a call from Marina and was going to pick her up. As Sacrament meeting started, Marina and her family walked in and sat in the front with us! Marina told us that as soon as she hung up the phone with us her son's fever disappeared and she felt better.So she took that as a sign from Heaven that she needed to go to church! :) It was so cool. Marina and Nicole were confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Spirit was so strong!

This coming Saturday we'll get transfer calls and I'll know who my next companion is and if I'll be staying in Elche or not. Hermana DeBoard and I are pretty anxious to know.

Well I think that's pretty much all I've got for this week! Here's some pictures:

We eat a lot of completos here with the Chilean Elder Pesce and I in the district.

The old teaching record said to find the Antonio who lives in this building. There's at least 6 and we never did figure out which one we were looking for.

Narrow Spain streets!

This is La Dama de Elche. There are tons of key chains and figurines all over. I don't know much about why this is a statue or who she was...

It took 2.5 hours to fill up the baptismal font so we had to get there at 8 am to start the water.

Johan, Hna. DeBoard, me, Marina and Jhasmine, Diego, and Nicole.

Have a marvelous week!
Love, Hermana Moore

Monday, August 8, 2016

August 2nd-7th, 2016

Ohhh what a week! It's crazy how quickly time passes on a mission. I feel like it was just preparation day!

Last Monday, after getting back from the castle in Alicante we had three citas in a row, all far away from one another. We literally ran our little hearts out to each one. As one of the mission rules is that we need to be home somewhere between 10:15 and 10:45 pm. We left our last apportionment at 10:15 and gave ourselves half an hour to be walking through our front door. The mission rules are my commandments and are there to keep me safe and I am promised extra protection if I follow them exactly. Well Marina's house is 1.7 miles away from our apartment and the city buses stop running at 9:30 MAYBE 10 so we were kind of doomed. We sped walked for the first mile and were making good time. But we still had 0.7 miles and it was 10:40. It had been such a long day and we hiked down a mountain that morning and had probably walked about 8 miles that day. I prayed we'd make it but honestly wasn't too sure. We took of in a dead sprint and stopped every once in
a while and somehow I had energy! It was so cool. Do you want to guess what time I turned the key at our apartment door? That's right, 10:45 on the dot. God is so mindful and so willing to protect us if we obey His will.

It didn't seem like we were in Elche for very long this week because we weren't. On Tuesday I got on a bus to go to Málaga to pick up my Spain residency card from the police station there. I was there from Tuesday and got home on Thursday afternoon. It was an 8 hour bus ride so that kind of wiped me out. But I stayed at the house of the senior missionary couple and they took me out for fish and chips at an English place by the ocean on Tuesday night. :)

On Wednesday night I stayed with the sister training leaders in Murcia (Mom served there too!) and in the morning before I went home we played basketball with 3 companionships of elders. I actually miss basketball a lot! Those 9 years of playing were all worth it because I played pretty well. :) There wasn't much competition though. I miss competition. On a mission when we play sports "everyone's a winner" and we "don't keep score" hahaha but I really wanted someone to drive into me for a layup. I miss being able to be aggressive.

After being gone pretty much all week we left again on Friday morning for our zone meeting in Alicante. It was a really good meeting and we talked about consecration. We talked about re-dedicating ourselves to our missions and working on being more obedient. We're having a week of consecration and working on being better missionaries.

After zone meeting we went to Dominos for unlimited 7 buck pizza. We ate an incredible amount-like 2 pizzas each person. I don't think I've ever eaten so much in my life.

Well that's what I thought until we had an eating cita with Fatima. She served us SO MUCH FOOD. We had a four course meal and the portions were GIGANTIC. That is really the most I've ever eaten in my entire life. I felt so sick later. I appreciate eating citas so much. So feed your missionaries but please oh please don't over feed them. It's not fun!

So... On unrelated terms... I lost 4 pounds in my first month here and I have gained that all back and more. So it's time to start cracking down on what I eat. Haha.

On Saturday we took some time to deep clean our apartment and it felt so good. I deep cleaned and Hermana DeBoard made a bunch of chocolate chip cookies to give to members who help us a lot.

Although we didn't have a lot of time to work in our area this week we are preparing for Marina and Nicole's baptism! We made her program and chose hymns with them. They'll still be getting baptized this Saturday (August 13th)! We are so excited. We had an awesome lesson with Marina and we read 3 Nephi 31:17-18. I asked her what she thought about it and she perfectly explain what I was going to explain about how baptism is a door to eternal life with our Heavenly Father and also the doorway to happiness on this earth. It was so sweet because she taught me this and I was kind of surprised. I looked at her and said Marina! You know so much! She really is so ready for baptism and I'm so excited for her to feel the change being baptized brings to her life.

Probably one of my favorite parts of this week happened yesterday at church. Between meetings Hermana DeBoard and I were walking down the hallway and a member in front of us stopped mid conversation and said, "Ohh! What's that? I hear the footsteps of angels!" It was so sweet. :)

Have a wonderful week!

Love, Hermana Moore

The Alicante zone!
A package from my favorite German Carolin!
Service cookies

July 25th-August 1st, 2016

Well sorry all of you! The group email from last week was supposed to have sent but I guess it ended up getting deleted and not sent. So I guess my whole email got erased but now I have time to re-write it. As I'm drafting this, it's Tuesday August 2nd and I'm on an 8 hour bus ride to Málaga to pick up my Spanish ID card.

Last Monday (July 25th) Elder Pesce, Elder Stark, Hermana DeBoard, a few people from the ward and I went ice skating! We picked a good day for it because it was 95 degrees outside! It was a lot of fun and we were the only people in there for most of the time. It was my first time skating with hockey skates so that was interesting but good.

On Monday night we got a call from the sister leaders in Alicante telling us they I'm wanted to do exchanges with us on Tuesday. I had a slight heart attack when they told us that I would be staying in Elche with Hermana Peters and Hermana DeBoard would be going to Alicante with Hermana Hauber. Hermana Peters had never been to Elche so that meant that I would be the one leading the area and getting us places. It was a little scary at first but it was a good wake up call because in three weeks I'll be done with training (I'll be a normal missionary!) and Hermana DeBoard will most likely get transferred. When that happens, I'll have to do to teach my new companion the area and about the people we teach! So exchanges was good practice for me.

Tuesday morning before the hermanas came from Alicante we had our district meeting. Elder Fumero and Elder Hammond both had tallers (workshops) and they only spoke for 15 minutes combined. Their tallers were announced as tallercitos (little baby tallers) and when they called me up they said, "and now Hermana Moore has a TALLERRRRR GRANDE for us." I was prepared and felt really comfortable and I actually followed my outline I had made. I talked about inspired questions and how as we teach as missionaries we need to listen to the investigators and teach with the Spirit. My drop the mic last comments were: "If we are not willing to put in the effort and teach as Christ would, then HOW are we worthy to wear a name tag with HIS name on it?" And: "if we leave our apartments without the Spirit, we mind as well take off our name tags because we will be of no use to the Lord." I also led a practice where I acted as an investigator and all the missionaries had to teach me the lesson together by the spirit. It was entertaining be used I just pointed to random people and cut people off. All I'm Spanish of course ;) My taller went a lot better than my talk in church the other week. I'm getting to feel a lot more comfortable with Spanish and it gets easier every week. I love teaching and leading workshops. :)

Exchanges with Hermana Peters was fun and we got some good missionary work done and I felt really productive.

On Thursday morning Marina called us and asked us to help her carry water from the store. Here people buy big jugs of water from the store instead of drinking tap water. We are blessed enough to get free water from a sweet member who stops by every week with 4 huge bags full of water from his well out in the country. We went and helped Marina and Hermana DeBoard and I each carried 16 liters of water for almost a mile. It's not even that it was that heavy, but the little handles gave us blisters. It was nice to show Marina how much we love her and that we are here to serve her as well as teach her about Christ's gospel. :)

Fast forwarding a few days to Sunday...

Sunday was a super long day but a good one! On Sunday's we usually get to sleep in until 8 but we got up at 6:15 since we had to be at the church for a leadership meeting at 8. The training lasted from 8-9:30 and then regular meetings from 10:30-1:30. After church Marina and Nicol had their baptism interviews and then we ate lunch together. By the time that was all over it was 5:30 and we only had an hour until choir started so we just stayed at the church. Choir practices are always long and we finally left the church building at 8 o'clock12 HOURS LATER. But it was a good day and it was nice to be inside in the air conditioning since it was 105 degrees outside. Summer has arrived. GOOD NEWS!! Marina and Nicol are going to be baptized and become members of The Church of Jesus Chrisf of Latter-day Saints on August 13th!!!

I wanted to share something we talked about during church. I love to share with you what I am learning about myself, my Savior, and my calling as a missionary. The class was based off of a conference talk by Elder Holland called The First Great Commandment. After Christ is resurrected, He comes to find His apostles once again returned to their old profession as fisherman He paraphrases a conversation that must've taken place between Peter and Christ. 

"Peter, why are you here? Why are we back on this same shore, by these same nets, having this same conversation? Wasn’t it obvious then and isn’t it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish? What I need, Peter, are disciples--and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and save my lambs. I need someone to preach my gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me, and loves what our Father in Heaven has commissioned me to do. Ours is not a feeble message. It is not a fleeting task. It is not hapless; it is not hopeless; it is not to be consigned to the ash heap of history. It is the work of Almighty God, and it is to change the world. So, Peter, for the second and presumably the last time, I am asking you to leave all this and to go teach and testify, labor and serve loyally until the day in which they will do to you exactly what they did to me.”

I loved this so much! Coming on a mission, I have abandoned my nets. My nets are my family, playing tennis with Katie every day during summer, studying to get a college degree. My nets are my hobbies, my phone, going on dates. But I'm here on a much more important mission. I am here to bring the happiness and peace that the gospel brings to people who are yearning for it. :)

Monday (August 1st) was such a fun preparation day! As a district, we went to Alicante to see the castle there. El Castillo de Santa Barbara. I'm pretty sure Mom has pictures from there too. So those are the pictures I sent home last week.

Some pictures:

Elder Stark, Elder Pesce, Hermana DeBoard
My trainer and I :)

Spaniards are REALLLYY good parallel parkers

Hermana Peters and I on exchanges. 

Two of Marina's kids, Nicol and Johan

Just keeping things fun on the streets of Elche. 

He's a golden investigator. 

Have a great week! Love you all!

Love, Hermana Moore