Monday, September 18, 2017

September 12th-September 18th, 2017

Oh my GOODNESS. I am so HAPPY. It has been such a good, spiritually filled week and I just feel like I'm on cloud nine! This is a long one but I just can't help it. 

I can't even begin to describe what an incredible blessing it is to be serving here in Málaga at this time. I am so content with everything in my life right now. My companion is one of my best friends. We get along so well (again!). I'm learning to fall in love with this area and the people. Malaga is beautiful and the people are so nice here. This last week I've had some really focused personal studies and I wanted to share with you all a scripture that I especially relate to. It's in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 17:13. It says, "inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led."

There are two very important promises made to Nephi and his family as long as they keep the commandments of God. 1. They will be led and guided to the promised land. 2. They shall know that it is all thanks to God. 

In verse 14 it says, "ye shall know that I, the Lord, am God; and that I, the Lord, did deliver you."

God loves to bless us and if we are observant, we will always be able to recognize that He is the one blessing us. Right now I am certainly well aware of where all the blessings in my life are coming from. They come from my perfect loving Heavenly Father. 

This week we had people staying with us every single night (for residency and exchanges) of the week except for Saturday and Sunday night! But it was fun getting to know some Hermanas better. We had exchanges with Hermana Bailey and Hermana Twede and it was so fun to be back with my old companions. We saw a lot of miracles and when Hermana Twede and I were together for the afternoon we found three awesome potential investigators and taught the Restoration to a man named Hicham. He's a cool Muslim guy we found looking for an old investigator. 

And all of these blessings before even scratching the surface of hearing Elder Holland speak!! I'm still pretty speechless about all of it. 

Saturday was one of the most spiritually uplifting days of my entire life. In the morning, we went to the other church building in Málaga. All the missionaries in the Spain Málaga mission got together (180 missionaries!) and we all took a group picture together with Elder Holland! Then we all got to shake his hand!

For the next two hours, we got to hear from an apostle of God. He spoke so many inspired words and I can't sum up what he said into just a few words. But here's a few of my favorite parts. With every word he spoke the Spirit testified to me that he is an apostle of the Lord and that Jesus Christ's church truly has been restored on the earth.

He talked a lot about the importance of missionary work and the importance of sacrificing everything. Maybe not all of this applies to you, but it has really impacted me. 
-"I just want you to change the world. I want you to give everything you have."
-"We are engaged in the most important thing in the universe. You are engaged all day every day in the salvation of human souls."
-" The clock is running. Savor it and serve and sacrifice. I expect you to give as close to nothing left as possible. It doesn't matter how much we think before the game or how many plays we think we could've done after the game. It matters what we do when the clock is on."
-"I'm asking you to give everything you have for this period of time and never ever look back with regret."
- "You teach the gospel. You bear witness. Let people see your soul. Be what a missionary is supposed to be. There's nothing that devastates me more than anything is when a missionary goes home and doesn't live the gospel. 
- "If your integrity means anything to you, you cannot ask people to make changes in their lives and then walk home and not do the same."

The statement that impacted me the most was "I want you to live your mission in anticipation of you going home." He then went on to talk about living a worthy mission and getting ready to go home to tell our friends and family, nieces and nephews, and eventually children and grandchildren about all of the wonderful things we learn and do here during this year and a half of our lives. Then, with love overflowing and tears almost falling from his eyes, he slammed his hand on the pulpit and said "THIS is real life. Capital R capital L." Serving a mission isn't a travel trip, it's not a vacation or a study abroad. Rather, I'm here to do the Lord's work, to be His hands and serve my brothers and sisters. But living the gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't stop there. I will continue sharing about the Plan of Salvation until the day I die. This is the life of being a true follower of Jesus Christ. It requires sacrifice and lots of love but the blessings are endless. 

Later that day, all the missionaries in Málaga had the opportunity to go to a meeting with Elder Holland and the entire stake of Granada. There, Elder Holland gave a talk based on a simple idea: "If He can't give us what we want, he'll give us something better. This is a gospel of mercy and compassion." I testify of that with all my heart. God loves us, His children, so very much. When we ask for His help, He will help us, giving us either what we want, or something better. 

After the conference when my heart was already overflowing with happiness, I got to see some of the people I love the most, the members from Granada. (The ward I served in with Hermana Gentry 8 months ago!). I got to hug and cry of joy and hug them some more.

And that leads us to today, Preparation day. We rounded up our office elder friends, the elders and the hermanas and headed on a road trip to Ronda. It's a tourist-y town where we had a nice little adventure together. 

I love you all! Thanks for your love and support!

Love, Hermana Moore 

 Everyone needs a good ice cream break! 🍦 

Exchanges with the friends. :) 

The group. :) (plus Hermana Gentry who is taking the picture)
Your favorite girl in Spain. 🇪🇸 

Rocio. One of the sweetest women I know. 

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