It has been a looonnnggg week. But lots of miracles, so it was all worth it!
We had a district meeting in Elche and got to see some hermanas we don't see too often. Tuesday night is always fun because we have correlation, English class and then the ward family home evening. Hermana Hauber came to visit! She was my first sister training leader and now I'm in her old area! So that was fun to see her again.
On Wednesday morning we did weekly planning and a miracle happened! We were calli a few futures as last chance calls before we dropped them. I called Rosa, an awesome woman who came to church and loved it, one last time. I've been calling for three weeks and she hasn't picked up. She didn't pick up so I dropped her. But ten minutes later she called back and said that the elders contacted her a few minutes after I called her and she took it as a sign she needed to call back and meet again! God is completely aware of each of His children.
Wednesday night and Thursday morning we had exchanges with Hermana May and Hermana Hargis. At night Hermana May and I taught two really good lessons about that Restoration and found a few cool people on the street who want to learn more. Hermana Hargis and I had a nice lesson with a less active family.
Once the Hermanas left, Hermana Bailey and I got to work together again! We had an awesome family home evening with a family in our ward and we are starting to teach Allison (18 year old daughter)'s friend Brenda! We are super excited to keep teaching her.
On Friday to Saturday we had exchanges with Hermana Woods and Hermana Lindley. They are both so sweet and I made a really thorough language plan with Hermana Lindley.
On Saturday we taught Patricio! He's an Ecuadorian man I met with Hermana May who was really excited to meet with us. We had an incredible lesson about the Restoration. That has become my favorite lesson to teach. He understood everything well and by the end he said, "I'm attending another church but ever since meeting you, I feel like God is guiding me to this church."
I love bringing this gospel to the hearts of the people here in Spain.
Have a wonderful week!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana Lindley and Hermana Woods!
Hermana May and Hermana Hargis exchanges!
Sunday night treat!
Hermana Hauber!
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