Monday, August 7, 2017

August 1st-August 7th, 2017

Well it's the end of week two with Hermana Bailey! And boy, oh, boy
had it been a crazy one. Here's what happened!

Last Monday and Tuesday we had a wonderful session of mission council
and it was neat to analyze the needs of the mission. We're going to
put a big emphasis on Preach My Gospel and strive to learn and apply
the doctrine of Christ it lays down.  I'm excited to put it into

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had exchanges with Hermana Burt annndddd
Hermana Gentry! I got to know Hermana Burt and had a really nice night
working with her. Then in the morning I got to be back with Hermana
Gentry. It was like we were back in Granada as companions but we could
also see that we have both changed so much.

On Wednesday night late Hermana Bailey and I were finally back in
Alicante in time to get a few things ready for intercambios Friday

Thursday was a busy day but it was nice to be back working in Alicante
with Hermana Bailey. We had district meeting on Thursday morning and
in the afternoon we taught Santiago again. The problem with him is
that he's planning on leaving for a 3 month backpacking trip.... BUT.
Our prayers were answered and he called us today and said that he got
a job! Which means that he CAN'T leave and that we can still teach
him!! He's cool and he's starting to make friends at church. Another
miracle happened when we met with Victor! Let me just take a second to
explain about him.

***In the first few days with Hermana Bailey here we were walking and
contacting. We were walking on a certain sidewalk (Hermana Simpson, I
know you're wondering, so it's the sidewalk by the auditorium by the
parking lot security guard) and we contacted four or five different
people and got four or five really rude rejections! So Hermana Bailey
turned to me and we decided that we would always contact every single
person on the oath, no matter how much of a rush we are in. Hermana
Bailey has so much faith and so she looked me dead in the eyes and
said, "someone we contact on this is is going to be baptized." It
started out as kind of a joke, but then we kept talking about it and
started believing in it. Last week we contacted Victor on the end of
this sidewalk! He's Brazilian, 30 years old and believes in God, but
he doesn't know if God loves him or knows him personally. We have
taught him twice and he is awesome! We promised him that through the
Book of Mormon and our message, he could find out how much God loves

After Victor's lesson, we taught English class and had a really good turn out.

On Friday afternoon we had exchanges with Hermana Lake and Hermana
Grover and it was nice to get to know them better.

We've been making lots of plans to work with members and this past
week we started a 40 day fast with our ward and they are all really
excited about it. We also have been putting into practice a plan that
our stake has for us to reteach the members the first few lessons and
ask for references from them. We have already received a reference
from a member! We picked up a few solid investigators this week and we
are really excited to help them progress.

I think that's about it for now. Today all the missionaries in
Alicante climbed the Santa Barbara Castle.

Enjoy a few pictures! Love you all! Read your scriptures and do
something to grow closer to God and your Savior.

❤️ Hermana Moore

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