Hola friends and family! Woah woah woah. It's the sixth and final week
of the transfer and that's just cRaZy! But don't worry, Hermana Bailey
and I still have one more awesome week together.
Hermana Bailey and I had a week full of miracles, a heartbreak and
snails. But overall, it's been a good week to reflect on all the
little miracles we've been seeing together. Here's a rundown of the
On Tuesday we had district meeting in the morning and then had our
typical Tuesday night wth correlation, English class and ward family
home evening. This last week my family has been together on a family
vacation and I've been getting cute little updates randomly.
Naturally, it's bittersweet to see pictures of your family all happy
together. On Tuesday I was feeling a little bit down and it was kind
of a long day and I just asked God to give me a pick me up. And when I
got to English class, He let me know He's aware of me by sending me
Samantha. Samantha is a 7 year old girl and she and her mom and
brother always come to English class. Well, you can pretty much say
I'm one of her favorites. She saved me a seat in the family home
evening and held my hand most of the night. :) Just a little tender
On Wednesday we had a PACKED day. We did all of our studies in the
morning and then ate with Arlex and Edelia for lunch. Wednesday night
we taught Manuela (a really sweet less active member). We met with
Victor too and figured out a lot of his doubts. He has a sincere
desire to know if God knows him and we taught him a little about the
Plan of Salvation. That's what I'm here to do: help people realize
that they are children of God.
After that lesson, we taught Santiago. When he sat down, he just said
"I'm not coming back." We sat and talked with him and he said that he
knows that God out us in his path and he loves us like his daughters,
he loves the church and the doctrine of Christ has been changing his
life, he loves the Book of Mormon and knows it's true, and he loves
being at church around the members. Then he started sobbing and told
us that he is never going to come back to church and that he doesn't
want to meet anymore. It was such a sad lesson! It was frustrating
because he never even told us WHY. So we cried and said good bye and
watched our vest investigator walk out the door for the last time. I
think he'll come back but I'm not sure when that'll be. So that left
Hermana Bailey and I heartbroken and that night we sat on the couch
and ate ice cream. :( But, it must not be Santiago's time yet. God is
in control and I'm grateful to be an instrument in His perfect hands.
On Thursday we did weekly planning and in the afternoon we had two
visits with members. We are putting into action a plan to help the
active members have family home evenings every week with less active
members and us and our investigators. Then, as they all get
comfortable, they will want to invite their friends too! We had really
positive reactions to this plan and we are excited to get it rolling!
On Thursday afternoon we had a family home evening in Allison's house
with our investigator Brenda. We had a really good lesson about the
Restoration with her and discovered some of her doubts. Alison's dad
works for a radio station and he had us record a few phrases for
advertisement. He likes our gringo accents. :) hahaha.
On Saturday, a family of four got baptized. Hermana Lopez and Hermana
Swartzberg have been teaching them and the baptism was so nice! Also,
Sandra came with Samantha and Justin. I think I've written about her.
She is from Colombia and lived right next to elders for 8 years. She
was nice to them but only ever went to a few family home evenings.
Hermana Simpson and I contacted her a few months ago and she started
to coming to English class. Her heart has softened and now she is
coming to English, 3 family home evenings a week, church on Sunday and
baptisms! Last week she started listening to the lessons with the
elders! God softens people's hearts and prepares them to receive the
Well, this one is getting a little long so I'm going to finish up.
Today for pday we went out and ate snails. đ They really weren't that
Have a happy week! Look for the little miracles!
Love, Hermana Moore
I'm radio famous. :)

We're pretty tight.
My little friend Samantha! ❤️
of the transfer and that's just cRaZy! But don't worry, Hermana Bailey
and I still have one more awesome week together.
Hermana Bailey and I had a week full of miracles, a heartbreak and
snails. But overall, it's been a good week to reflect on all the
little miracles we've been seeing together. Here's a rundown of the
On Tuesday we had district meeting in the morning and then had our
typical Tuesday night wth correlation, English class and ward family
home evening. This last week my family has been together on a family
vacation and I've been getting cute little updates randomly.
Naturally, it's bittersweet to see pictures of your family all happy
together. On Tuesday I was feeling a little bit down and it was kind
of a long day and I just asked God to give me a pick me up. And when I
got to English class, He let me know He's aware of me by sending me
Samantha. Samantha is a 7 year old girl and she and her mom and
brother always come to English class. Well, you can pretty much say
I'm one of her favorites. She saved me a seat in the family home
evening and held my hand most of the night. :) Just a little tender
On Wednesday we had a PACKED day. We did all of our studies in the
morning and then ate with Arlex and Edelia for lunch. Wednesday night
we taught Manuela (a really sweet less active member). We met with
Victor too and figured out a lot of his doubts. He has a sincere
desire to know if God knows him and we taught him a little about the
Plan of Salvation. That's what I'm here to do: help people realize
that they are children of God.
After that lesson, we taught Santiago. When he sat down, he just said
"I'm not coming back." We sat and talked with him and he said that he
knows that God out us in his path and he loves us like his daughters,
he loves the church and the doctrine of Christ has been changing his
life, he loves the Book of Mormon and knows it's true, and he loves
being at church around the members. Then he started sobbing and told
us that he is never going to come back to church and that he doesn't
want to meet anymore. It was such a sad lesson! It was frustrating
because he never even told us WHY. So we cried and said good bye and
watched our vest investigator walk out the door for the last time. I
think he'll come back but I'm not sure when that'll be. So that left
Hermana Bailey and I heartbroken and that night we sat on the couch
and ate ice cream. :( But, it must not be Santiago's time yet. God is
in control and I'm grateful to be an instrument in His perfect hands.
On Thursday we did weekly planning and in the afternoon we had two
visits with members. We are putting into action a plan to help the
active members have family home evenings every week with less active
members and us and our investigators. Then, as they all get
comfortable, they will want to invite their friends too! We had really
positive reactions to this plan and we are excited to get it rolling!
On Thursday afternoon we had a family home evening in Allison's house
with our investigator Brenda. We had a really good lesson about the
Restoration with her and discovered some of her doubts. Alison's dad
works for a radio station and he had us record a few phrases for
advertisement. He likes our gringo accents. :) hahaha.
On Saturday, a family of four got baptized. Hermana Lopez and Hermana
Swartzberg have been teaching them and the baptism was so nice! Also,
Sandra came with Samantha and Justin. I think I've written about her.
She is from Colombia and lived right next to elders for 8 years. She
was nice to them but only ever went to a few family home evenings.
Hermana Simpson and I contacted her a few months ago and she started
to coming to English class. Her heart has softened and now she is
coming to English, 3 family home evenings a week, church on Sunday and
baptisms! Last week she started listening to the lessons with the
elders! God softens people's hearts and prepares them to receive the
Well, this one is getting a little long so I'm going to finish up.
Today for pday we went out and ate snails. đ They really weren't that
Have a happy week! Look for the little miracles!
Love, Hermana Moore
I'm radio famous. :)
We're pretty tight.
My little friend Samantha! ❤️
A video of me eating a snail!