Hello! Happy almost- Easter! How are you all doing? Well, I'm great.
This past week went by so quickly but it's been a good one.
Every investigator I had with Hermana Encarnación has either dropped
us or disappeared. Busayo, our wonderful Nigerian friend with a
baptismal date is the one who disappeared. We stopped by her house and
talked to her land lord and they said that Busayo and her family
haven't been seen in two weeks and that their house is a mess. So
either they picked up and ran or something happened to them. :( We are
so, so sad! We are praying a lot so that they can be safe.
To make up for all of the lost investigators we've been contacting
like crazy and God has blessed us to find seven people who want to
know more!
Let me tell you about some of the people we're teaching:
Rachel and Sunny are from Pakistan and they are so ready for the
gospel in their lives! They are expecting and they got to Spain
recently. I'm really excited to teach them! They just love talking
about God and their English is the cutest.
Kamel is a guy from Algeria and the last lesson we had with him we
brought him a Book of Mormon in Arabic and he sat there and read 6
pages of it without stopping! He has real intent of seeing for himself
whether this is true or not!
On Wednesday we didn't have an set appointments so we decided to go to
Librilla! It's a super small town that's in our area that I've never
been to. The two anterior hermanas hadn't gone either so we figure
missionaries haven't even set foot in that town for at least two or
three years. We scheduled to be there for two hours and we were off!
It was a twenty minute train ride and when we got off, we were in THE
MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. There was one dirt trail leading to where there
were some houses. There was a church, a couple of stores and a lot of
deserted streets. We got to the edge of the town and prayed for God to
help us find the people that were prepared. When we said "amen"
Hermana George and I looked at each other and said "we're going to
knock EVERY door in this town." And then we pulled out our map and
started systematically knocking every single door. We soon found out
that the houses were either abandoned or lived in by very old people.
We gave out pictures of Christ and showed the PrinceofPeace video to
as many people as would allow it. We found a lady who told us to come
back another day. Then we found SONIA! We knocked on a door and a lady
came. We introduced ourselves and she was just so happy to meet us! We
showed her the video and then taught her the Restoration in 5 minutes
on her doorstep. She was just drinking it all in! We got her number
and will meet with her this week! As we were leaving we gave her a
pamphlet with a picture of a Book of Mormon on the back. She flipped
through it and then said "hey! What's this book! I want one!" So Sonia
is our wonderful new investigator from Librilla. She's the reason we
went there. The Lord has prepared her heart!
On Friday afternoon we picked up Raquel from the bus station! She is
our mini missionary from Málaga. She has the week off of high school
so she's here being a missionary with us! We have had a lot of time to
contact and we've been talking to everyone! We've been doing what we
like to call 3D contacting. We get on a busy street and all three of
us contact different people. Then we really get triple the work done!
It's been really neat to see that I can contact a person and teach
them all by myself (well with the Spirit. :) ). We've been really
successful and it's been really fun contacting!
Today Hermana George and I are celebrating our ELEVEN months as
missionaries here in Spain today!
I think that's all I have to tell you for now. Have a wonderful, happy
week! Share the gospel and be nice to everyone!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I in Librilla! The place of miracles.

Lunch time with Hermana George and Raquel!
The trio. :)
Read the book! Ohhh and look at the cool foldable water bottle I got.
Spain in its finest!
This past week went by so quickly but it's been a good one.
Every investigator I had with Hermana Encarnación has either dropped
us or disappeared. Busayo, our wonderful Nigerian friend with a
baptismal date is the one who disappeared. We stopped by her house and
talked to her land lord and they said that Busayo and her family
haven't been seen in two weeks and that their house is a mess. So
either they picked up and ran or something happened to them. :( We are
so, so sad! We are praying a lot so that they can be safe.
To make up for all of the lost investigators we've been contacting
like crazy and God has blessed us to find seven people who want to
know more!
Let me tell you about some of the people we're teaching:
Rachel and Sunny are from Pakistan and they are so ready for the
gospel in their lives! They are expecting and they got to Spain
recently. I'm really excited to teach them! They just love talking
about God and their English is the cutest.
Kamel is a guy from Algeria and the last lesson we had with him we
brought him a Book of Mormon in Arabic and he sat there and read 6
pages of it without stopping! He has real intent of seeing for himself
whether this is true or not!
On Wednesday we didn't have an set appointments so we decided to go to
Librilla! It's a super small town that's in our area that I've never
been to. The two anterior hermanas hadn't gone either so we figure
missionaries haven't even set foot in that town for at least two or
three years. We scheduled to be there for two hours and we were off!
It was a twenty minute train ride and when we got off, we were in THE
MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. There was one dirt trail leading to where there
were some houses. There was a church, a couple of stores and a lot of
deserted streets. We got to the edge of the town and prayed for God to
help us find the people that were prepared. When we said "amen"
Hermana George and I looked at each other and said "we're going to
knock EVERY door in this town." And then we pulled out our map and
started systematically knocking every single door. We soon found out
that the houses were either abandoned or lived in by very old people.
We gave out pictures of Christ and showed the PrinceofPeace video to
as many people as would allow it. We found a lady who told us to come
back another day. Then we found SONIA! We knocked on a door and a lady
came. We introduced ourselves and she was just so happy to meet us! We
showed her the video and then taught her the Restoration in 5 minutes
on her doorstep. She was just drinking it all in! We got her number
and will meet with her this week! As we were leaving we gave her a
pamphlet with a picture of a Book of Mormon on the back. She flipped
through it and then said "hey! What's this book! I want one!" So Sonia
is our wonderful new investigator from Librilla. She's the reason we
went there. The Lord has prepared her heart!
On Friday afternoon we picked up Raquel from the bus station! She is
our mini missionary from Málaga. She has the week off of high school
so she's here being a missionary with us! We have had a lot of time to
contact and we've been talking to everyone! We've been doing what we
like to call 3D contacting. We get on a busy street and all three of
us contact different people. Then we really get triple the work done!
It's been really neat to see that I can contact a person and teach
them all by myself (well with the Spirit. :) ). We've been really
successful and it's been really fun contacting!
Today Hermana George and I are celebrating our ELEVEN months as
missionaries here in Spain today!
I think that's all I have to tell you for now. Have a wonderful, happy
week! Share the gospel and be nice to everyone!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I in Librilla! The place of miracles.
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