Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! :) I am so grateful to
be a missionary here in Spain, especially during this Easter season!
This week involved a lot of parades, contacting and miracles. It has
been Semana Santa and Spaniards sure like to celebrate. There was a
procession almost every day. The parades consisted of tons of people
dressed in robes and pointy hats carrying big floats. Some people
handed out candy and others carried crosses or candles. We live right
by a Catholic church so we could hear and see the processions de our
balcony from noon until two in the morning! We kept working despite
the festivities and found some really prepared people.
With Raquel, our mini-missionary, we went on splits with members a
lot. Splits are when we take a member with us and split into two
companionships to work. On Tuesday we did splits and I went contacting
with Mensi. She was awesome at testifying and we found two new people
to teach! On Tuesday while Hermana George was off with a member,
Raquel and I knocked all the doors in a building and set up a few
appointments to go back. Summer is setting in here in Murcia and it
was in the high 70's and 80's this week! Eeksies!
This weekend we had interviews with President Andersen and zone
conference with all the missionaries from Murcia, Alicante and
Cartagena. I love being around other missionaries and I always learn
things I can improve on.
Before I end I have two big miracles I want to tell you about. :)
On Thursday I went on splits with Magda. We were contacting in a town
and there weren't a whole lot of people out. We found a park and
talked with a few people there. We didn't have too much success until
we found two 25 year olds sitting on a bench. Juan and Jesus. We
showed them the Prince of Peace video and we could tell that Juan was
really engaged and interested and Jesus didn't want anything to do
with us. We stood there and Magda and I taught them an overview of the
Restoration. Then we testified about how the gospel of Jesus Christ
can change their lives. It was cool to see that the words I spoke were
not my own. I testified about how the gospel changed my life and
helped me (and continues helping me) cope with the loss of my mom.
That's obviously not something I talk about a lot, especially with
people I just met. I distinctly remember the one other contact in my
whole mission that I've talked about Mom. The Spirit testified of
every word I said and once we had finished, we got Juan's phone number
and set up another day to talk more. Jesus didn't want anything but we
gave him a card with our number anyways. The next day, I got a phone
call and it was Jesus!! He was choked up and said that he had been up
all night thinking about what I had said about how the gospel changes
lives. He said that he wants to change his life and he wants to meet
with us! God softens people's hearts and He is rally in control of
missionary work!
On Saturday evening we had two lessons scheduled at 7 and both of them
fell through. We started walking away to go to our back of plans and
as we were crossing the street I pleaded in my mind for us to find
someone to teach. Jus then, I looked up and on the other side of the
crosswalk I saw ANTONIO! Hermana Encarnación and I were teaching him
but he completely disappeared and I hadn't seen him for a month. His
life has completely turned around and he is now living in his own
apartment instead of in a shelter. Also, we were working with him to
quit smoking but nothing was working. But guess what?! HE QUIT
SMOKING! HE HASN'T SMOKED SINCE MARCH 22nd!! He is reading in the Book
of Mormon and he's working on gaining his own testimony so he can be
baptized! Ahhhhh!!! God is so good! He is a completely different
person and he is just glowing with happiness. :)
This Gospel CHANGES lives. I have felt it and I have seen it! If you
aren't happy, make a change! Get closer to Christ. Christ suffered,
died and now He LIVES. And His church with the authority of God exists
on this earth. It is the pathway to happiness. :)
I love you all so much! Thank you for your emaiks, prayers and love.
Enjoy some pictures!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I celebrating our 11 months at Starkbucks! (The
only one I've seen in Spain!)

Milkshakes with Rodolfo and the trio.

Raquel, Hermana George and I.
The view from our balcony at 11 pm.

The sound of these drums is engraved in my mind...
be a missionary here in Spain, especially during this Easter season!
This week involved a lot of parades, contacting and miracles. It has
been Semana Santa and Spaniards sure like to celebrate. There was a
procession almost every day. The parades consisted of tons of people
dressed in robes and pointy hats carrying big floats. Some people
handed out candy and others carried crosses or candles. We live right
by a Catholic church so we could hear and see the processions de our
balcony from noon until two in the morning! We kept working despite
the festivities and found some really prepared people.
With Raquel, our mini-missionary, we went on splits with members a
lot. Splits are when we take a member with us and split into two
companionships to work. On Tuesday we did splits and I went contacting
with Mensi. She was awesome at testifying and we found two new people
to teach! On Tuesday while Hermana George was off with a member,
Raquel and I knocked all the doors in a building and set up a few
appointments to go back. Summer is setting in here in Murcia and it
was in the high 70's and 80's this week! Eeksies!
This weekend we had interviews with President Andersen and zone
conference with all the missionaries from Murcia, Alicante and
Cartagena. I love being around other missionaries and I always learn
things I can improve on.
Before I end I have two big miracles I want to tell you about. :)
On Thursday I went on splits with Magda. We were contacting in a town
and there weren't a whole lot of people out. We found a park and
talked with a few people there. We didn't have too much success until
we found two 25 year olds sitting on a bench. Juan and Jesus. We
showed them the Prince of Peace video and we could tell that Juan was
really engaged and interested and Jesus didn't want anything to do
with us. We stood there and Magda and I taught them an overview of the
Restoration. Then we testified about how the gospel of Jesus Christ
can change their lives. It was cool to see that the words I spoke were
not my own. I testified about how the gospel changed my life and
helped me (and continues helping me) cope with the loss of my mom.
That's obviously not something I talk about a lot, especially with
people I just met. I distinctly remember the one other contact in my
whole mission that I've talked about Mom. The Spirit testified of
every word I said and once we had finished, we got Juan's phone number
and set up another day to talk more. Jesus didn't want anything but we
gave him a card with our number anyways. The next day, I got a phone
call and it was Jesus!! He was choked up and said that he had been up
all night thinking about what I had said about how the gospel changes
lives. He said that he wants to change his life and he wants to meet
with us! God softens people's hearts and He is rally in control of
missionary work!
On Saturday evening we had two lessons scheduled at 7 and both of them
fell through. We started walking away to go to our back of plans and
as we were crossing the street I pleaded in my mind for us to find
someone to teach. Jus then, I looked up and on the other side of the
crosswalk I saw ANTONIO! Hermana Encarnación and I were teaching him
but he completely disappeared and I hadn't seen him for a month. His
life has completely turned around and he is now living in his own
apartment instead of in a shelter. Also, we were working with him to
quit smoking but nothing was working. But guess what?! HE QUIT
SMOKING! HE HASN'T SMOKED SINCE MARCH 22nd!! He is reading in the Book
of Mormon and he's working on gaining his own testimony so he can be
baptized! Ahhhhh!!! God is so good! He is a completely different
person and he is just glowing with happiness. :)
This Gospel CHANGES lives. I have felt it and I have seen it! If you
aren't happy, make a change! Get closer to Christ. Christ suffered,
died and now He LIVES. And His church with the authority of God exists
on this earth. It is the pathway to happiness. :)
I love you all so much! Thank you for your emaiks, prayers and love.
Enjoy some pictures!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I celebrating our 11 months at Starkbucks! (The
only one I've seen in Spain!)
Milkshakes with Rodolfo and the trio.
Raquel, Hermana George and I.
The sound of these drums is engraved in my mind...
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