This week was quite the crazy week here in Murcia. This week was
"Semana de Primavera" (Week of Spring) and it was bigger than Semana
Santa! Murcia used to be all orchards and so people have a lot of
pride in their heritage. There were parades nearly every day which
made missionary work pretty hard to get done. So I don't have a ton to
talk about but here's a quick overview. I have a lot of pictures but
they're on my camera... I'll try to send them next week.
Tuesday was Dia de los Huertanos (Gardener's day) and the whole city
dressed up in traditional clothes and everyone drinks the whole day
long. We had several members warn us about how dangerous it was so we
went to a ward activity in the morning and went home at 4pm. We talked
to President Andersen and got permission to stay inside for the rest
of the day. It was really weird to have so much free time (there are
only so many phone calls to make...) but Hermana George and I relaxed
a lot. We also got a good view of the parade. The last floats handed
out vegetables and fruit and people swarmed to get them!
On Wednesday we had district meeting and had a pancake party
afterwards! 🥞 At night we taught Magdalena and her friend Karina.
Between the two of them they have six kids so it was a chaotic lesson.
Thursday was planning day and Hermana George and I planned for the
last week of the transfer! It was a good planning session and we
really analyzed the needs of the people we teach. Being a missionary
is so cool because you get to discern the needs of people and then out
plans into action to help them grow closer to Christ. The Mendez
family from our ward invited us to eat and afterwards we had a really
nice lesson about prayer. We invited them to really prepare themselves
for prayer and imagine approaching the throne of God. Prayers
shouldn't just be repetitive and mindless. God is our Father and wants
to hear from us!
We had quite a few failed lessons this week so not too much to tell
about lessons but we have had some really good ideas about how to
strengthen the ward. We are going to do a Book of Mormon reading
challenge and have prizes for those on track at our ward family home
evenings so people start coming. Then we've got some other plans to
get to know the ward better and have them know us as real people. I'm
usual just referred to as "the one who plays the piano". We have hope
for progress!
On Sunday we had met with Sonia (our miracle from Librilla!) and we
had a really nice lesson with her! She is excited to learn more and
excited to read in the Book of Mormon!
Well, I think that's about it. I hope you all have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I!

The riverrr.
Hermana George, Hermana Díaz and I at the ward activity.
I just want to take a minute to talk about the best, blondest trio to ever exist. And we're back together this transfer in the same district! Hermana Højholdt and Hermana Gibson are just the sweetest. :)
"Semana de Primavera" (Week of Spring) and it was bigger than Semana
Santa! Murcia used to be all orchards and so people have a lot of
pride in their heritage. There were parades nearly every day which
made missionary work pretty hard to get done. So I don't have a ton to
talk about but here's a quick overview. I have a lot of pictures but
they're on my camera... I'll try to send them next week.
Tuesday was Dia de los Huertanos (Gardener's day) and the whole city
dressed up in traditional clothes and everyone drinks the whole day
long. We had several members warn us about how dangerous it was so we
went to a ward activity in the morning and went home at 4pm. We talked
to President Andersen and got permission to stay inside for the rest
of the day. It was really weird to have so much free time (there are
only so many phone calls to make...) but Hermana George and I relaxed
a lot. We also got a good view of the parade. The last floats handed
out vegetables and fruit and people swarmed to get them!
On Wednesday we had district meeting and had a pancake party
afterwards! 🥞 At night we taught Magdalena and her friend Karina.
Between the two of them they have six kids so it was a chaotic lesson.
Thursday was planning day and Hermana George and I planned for the
last week of the transfer! It was a good planning session and we
really analyzed the needs of the people we teach. Being a missionary
is so cool because you get to discern the needs of people and then out
plans into action to help them grow closer to Christ. The Mendez
family from our ward invited us to eat and afterwards we had a really
nice lesson about prayer. We invited them to really prepare themselves
for prayer and imagine approaching the throne of God. Prayers
shouldn't just be repetitive and mindless. God is our Father and wants
to hear from us!
We had quite a few failed lessons this week so not too much to tell
about lessons but we have had some really good ideas about how to
strengthen the ward. We are going to do a Book of Mormon reading
challenge and have prizes for those on track at our ward family home
evenings so people start coming. Then we've got some other plans to
get to know the ward better and have them know us as real people. I'm
usual just referred to as "the one who plays the piano". We have hope
for progress!
On Sunday we had met with Sonia (our miracle from Librilla!) and we
had a really nice lesson with her! She is excited to learn more and
excited to read in the Book of Mormon!
Well, I think that's about it. I hope you all have a fantastic week!
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana George and I!