What a happy week!! So, I'm a little late on time today because we had
a district cooking/baking lesson for pday. I taught the elders how to
make paella and then we made pazooki too. :) Here's some pictures from
that! And then the rest of the email will be short.
Exciting news number one: KAREN GOT BAPTIZED!! On Saturday night Karen we had an awesome baptism program she bore her testimony and Bishop Rica baptized her. It was so beautiful and I got to bear my testimony too! She has been so well prepared by the Lord and she is so happy to be following the example of Jesus Christ! I feel so very blessed to be her missionary and be able to have helped taught her this glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Look how happy and beautiful she is, especially in white! What a happy day!!
On Saturday night, after such a wonderful day we got an unexpected phone call from President Andersen. He said "well Hermana, all good things have to come to an end" and then he went on to tell me that I will be transferred to Murcia! Hermana Gentry will train a new missionary! I'll go to be companions with Hermana Encarnación. All I know about her is that she is from the Dominican Republic and I am so excited to meet her! That means all Spanish all the time so my Spanish will improve a lot with her! Also, Mom served in Murcia! So I'm super excited! Blessings blessings. :)
Since Saturday night we have been rushing around says good bye to the wonderful members and investigators we have here in Granada. I have come to have such a huge love for these children of God I'm the past 4 months. I am sad to leave these people and my wonderful companion but I know that my work in Granada is done but God has a lot of people in Murcia that need me and my testimony.
Saying good bye to Mak was so hard. :/ but he shared a cool experience with us. Today during Sacrament meeting while he was taking the Sacrament he heard a voice that said simply "Búscame" I know without a doubt that it was the voice of our loving Heavenly Father telling his straying sheep that he needs to come back to His loving fold.
I love you all dearly! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the little miracles God puts in your life.
I love being a missionary!
Love, Hermana Moore
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