Monday, February 13, 2017

February 7th-February 13th, 2017--Murcia!


Well it seems like so much has happened since last week Monday! Let's
see... My last few days in Granada  were full of good byes, but I'll
get back there some day.

I said good bye to sweet Hermana Gentry on Tuesday morning as she left
to go pick up her new companion in Málaga. It was such a good transfer
with that girl. We saw lots of miracles, saw Karen get baptized and
ate lots of bread and fruity pebbles. What more could we have asked
for? Then I waited for an hour at the bus station with Elder Egbert
(shout out to the newly returned Josh!!) and Elder Köhler. The bus
ride to Murcia was about five hours and I napped, journaled and sort
of broke my iPad. (It reset itself and I lost my notes and my
documents) When I got to Murcia I waited in the bus station for 40
minutes and no one was there... So just as I was using a lady's phone
to call the mission office, Hermana Favero and my new companion
Hermana Encarnación showed up!

Tuesday night we visited a few people so Hermana Favero could say good
bye. On Wednesday  we were at the bus station for most of the day for
transfers. In the big groups of incoming and outgoing missionaries, I
got to see HERMANA TWEDE. It was a happy reunion. :) For lunch on
Wednesday we ate at an Ecuadorian place and I ate cow stomach
(surprisingly not too bad).

The rest of the week has been pretty jumbled up but the important
thing is that Murcia is a great place! The area has been super easy to
learn and I already sort of know where we're going. Hermana
Encarnación is just awesome. She is latina, sassy and energetic. She
has really good people skills and I have a lot to learn from her.
Speaking Spanish all the time is pretty tiring, but it's been really

Hermana Encarnación is very diligent in this work and we have had some
jam packed days this week! We have been working hard and have been
working with the ward to get them excited about the work too.

Question: I know God can do all things but how did he make me with my
blond straight as a stick hair and Hermana Encarnación with her crazy
afro hair?!
Music time with a less active, Rodolfo. :)

Have a wonderful week!
Love, Hermana Moore

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