Hello friends! I said good bye to palm tree-y Elche and my fantastic blonde trio this week! I am so grateful for my time in Elche and all I learned and the people I came to love. On Wednesday morning I started a six hour bus ride to Granada. It was pretty overtired and stressful but as soon as I got off the bus and met Hermana Twede, I knew everything was going to be great.
Hermana Twede (yes, pronounced like tweety bird) is from Utah so that means 3/4 companions from Utah. She also went to BYU and it turns out we both worked in the art museum there (me as a custodian and her as a security guard). I'm only two months ahead of her in mission time so we're basically just two babies having a grand old time being servants of the Lord. :) Her first trainer was from Mexico and so her Spanish is really really awesome already. We set a goal our first day of all Spanish er'y day and it has going pretty well! If we need to we throw English in too but it'll be good to both of us and help her to not lose the Spanish she has.
Wednesday night on the way back to our apartment I realized I didn't have hangers and would need to buy them so I mentioned it and two seconds later we look at the ground outside a store and there is a bag of... HANGERS. It was just so random.
We haven't had much food in the house but we've been surviving off of the packs of mac and cheese and rice I have in my suitcases from home! Thanks, Dad. That is still one of the best ideas you've ever had. You're always right.
Thursday was weekly planning and it took a long time since I have to get the lowdown (what does that word even mean?? Low down? English is weird) on all the people we teach. There is a lot of work here in Granada and we have a lot of investigators and lots of members to strengthen. I LOVE teaching people about this gospel! One of the things I already love about Hermana Twede is how she testifies in lessons. I've been able to feel the Spirit so strongly in our lessons as we teach with unity.
Fun story: On Saturday night we were taking the bus home. I sat down and Hermana Twede sat down on a seat diagonal from me. It was a little more raised up so she slid down into the seat right across from me. When she did so, the seat made a loud cracking sound and mostly because it was 10 at night we cracked up laughing and Hermana Twede says, "oh! Soy gorda!" Tenemos que correr más! (Oh no! I'm fat! We need to run more!) We looked around and saw a guy who looked exactly like Frozone from The Incredibles (Whereeee is my SUPERsuit?! HONEY, WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT?!). And he was just dying of laughter with us. A few stops later two guys got on and looked at us (normal) and started talking about us. They sat down a few seats away and then got up and sat directly by us. They started talking in signs of some sort (not normal.) and point at us. Frozone was aware of what was going on. So we got up and walked to the front of the bus and got off a stop earlier than usual. They didn't get off and follow us but we knew that if they had tried anything Frozone would have had our backs.
Sunday. I had my first Sunday attending the Granada ward! There are so many sweet members there and they really love the missionaries! We had fast and testimony meeting (the first Sunday of every month we fast for 24 hours and give the money saved to those in need. The same Sunday our main worship meeting is also opened up for the members to stand and share their experiences and testimonies). At the end of the meeting, the bishop stood up and asked me and another new elder to share our testimonies. So I talked about the love of God and how happy we can be if we become closer to God. :) I got so many smiles from the members and I'm so excited to get to know them.
Contacting miracles! On Sunday night we were contacting near our apartment and after 6-8 flat out rejections I was prompted to talk to a guy sitting on a bench. I tried to push it away and rationalize not talking to him. I felt an almost physical push from the Spirit so I finally went and introduced ourselves. His name is Tasin and he is a Christian but he's really interested to know more about what we believe! So we wrote down his number and we're going to call him in a few days. Once we had taken twenty steps away from Tasin I once again got the feeling I needed to talk to the guy I was about to pass so I did. I think God is trying to get me to be better at listening and trusting in Him.
Haha... His name is Carlos and we introduced ourselves and he said he is a Christian but has a lot of questions. He even asked us to teach us right there on the sidewalk. Once he asked about why we have so many churches I went into full on Restoration mode. It was so cool and it was my first time having a really successful contact and a lesson on the street. He seemed intrigued and we gave him a Book of Mormon to read. We'll see if he's willing to hear more from us! But Carlos and Tasin were really big miracles for us. :)
Today is Monday and it's my 5 month mark in the mission! This morning we went to the grocery store and bought 40 euros of food. And then went to a fruit and veggies market and bought a bunch of...well.. fruit and veggies! Hermana Twede and I have been really good at exercising in the morning. We go running on Tuesday and Saturday, we run to the park and do the exercise machines on Wednesday, we do stairs on Thursday and Friday is abs day. Anyways. We have some good meals planned this week.
Healthy meals! Homemade mashed potatoes, chicken and broccoli.

My study desk. I still have to hang up pictures from home but I didn't get to buy tape until today.
Granada at night!
Elevator selfie! Sorry for the lack of pictures this week.. Lame-o ka blame-o.
Love, Hermana Moore
Hermana Twede (yes, pronounced like tweety bird) is from Utah so that means 3/4 companions from Utah. She also went to BYU and it turns out we both worked in the art museum there (me as a custodian and her as a security guard). I'm only two months ahead of her in mission time so we're basically just two babies having a grand old time being servants of the Lord. :) Her first trainer was from Mexico and so her Spanish is really really awesome already. We set a goal our first day of all Spanish er'y day and it has going pretty well! If we need to we throw English in too but it'll be good to both of us and help her to not lose the Spanish she has.
Wednesday night on the way back to our apartment I realized I didn't have hangers and would need to buy them so I mentioned it and two seconds later we look at the ground outside a store and there is a bag of... HANGERS. It was just so random.
We haven't had much food in the house but we've been surviving off of the packs of mac and cheese and rice I have in my suitcases from home! Thanks, Dad. That is still one of the best ideas you've ever had. You're always right.
Thursday was weekly planning and it took a long time since I have to get the lowdown (what does that word even mean?? Low down? English is weird) on all the people we teach. There is a lot of work here in Granada and we have a lot of investigators and lots of members to strengthen. I LOVE teaching people about this gospel! One of the things I already love about Hermana Twede is how she testifies in lessons. I've been able to feel the Spirit so strongly in our lessons as we teach with unity.
Fun story: On Saturday night we were taking the bus home. I sat down and Hermana Twede sat down on a seat diagonal from me. It was a little more raised up so she slid down into the seat right across from me. When she did so, the seat made a loud cracking sound and mostly because it was 10 at night we cracked up laughing and Hermana Twede says, "oh! Soy gorda!" Tenemos que correr más! (Oh no! I'm fat! We need to run more!) We looked around and saw a guy who looked exactly like Frozone from The Incredibles (Whereeee is my SUPERsuit?! HONEY, WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT?!). And he was just dying of laughter with us. A few stops later two guys got on and looked at us (normal) and started talking about us. They sat down a few seats away and then got up and sat directly by us. They started talking in signs of some sort (not normal.) and point at us. Frozone was aware of what was going on. So we got up and walked to the front of the bus and got off a stop earlier than usual. They didn't get off and follow us but we knew that if they had tried anything Frozone would have had our backs.
Sunday. I had my first Sunday attending the Granada ward! There are so many sweet members there and they really love the missionaries! We had fast and testimony meeting (the first Sunday of every month we fast for 24 hours and give the money saved to those in need. The same Sunday our main worship meeting is also opened up for the members to stand and share their experiences and testimonies). At the end of the meeting, the bishop stood up and asked me and another new elder to share our testimonies. So I talked about the love of God and how happy we can be if we become closer to God. :) I got so many smiles from the members and I'm so excited to get to know them.
Contacting miracles! On Sunday night we were contacting near our apartment and after 6-8 flat out rejections I was prompted to talk to a guy sitting on a bench. I tried to push it away and rationalize not talking to him. I felt an almost physical push from the Spirit so I finally went and introduced ourselves. His name is Tasin and he is a Christian but he's really interested to know more about what we believe! So we wrote down his number and we're going to call him in a few days. Once we had taken twenty steps away from Tasin I once again got the feeling I needed to talk to the guy I was about to pass so I did. I think God is trying to get me to be better at listening and trusting in Him.
Haha... His name is Carlos and we introduced ourselves and he said he is a Christian but has a lot of questions. He even asked us to teach us right there on the sidewalk. Once he asked about why we have so many churches I went into full on Restoration mode. It was so cool and it was my first time having a really successful contact and a lesson on the street. He seemed intrigued and we gave him a Book of Mormon to read. We'll see if he's willing to hear more from us! But Carlos and Tasin were really big miracles for us. :)
Today is Monday and it's my 5 month mark in the mission! This morning we went to the grocery store and bought 40 euros of food. And then went to a fruit and veggies market and bought a bunch of...well.. fruit and veggies! Hermana Twede and I have been really good at exercising in the morning. We go running on Tuesday and Saturday, we run to the park and do the exercise machines on Wednesday, we do stairs on Thursday and Friday is abs day. Anyways. We have some good meals planned this week.
My study desk. I still have to hang up pictures from home but I didn't get to buy tape until today.
Granada at night!
Love, Hermana Moore
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