Well before I get on to the rest of my week I have to tell you about
my Sunday. Yesterday was one of by weirdest days of my mission. I woke
up and got ready like usual. While we were eating breakfast, we got a
call from a man from our ward asking us to go to the church earlier
and set up a table. With just a teeny bit of grumbling we went. Once
we set up the table we had 20 extra minutes and so we stood near the
door waiting to greet people coming in. Well all of the sudden I
looked at the door and and there were two very familiar people walking
through. They had rolling suitcases and their names were Benjamin and
Carli. I just stood there stunned as my missionary life collided with
my "regular life". Benjamin held his arms open and I just said "qué
hace aquí??" (What are you doing here?!) and hugged him. For those of
you who don't know, it isn't recommended that family visit
missionaries. But Benjamin called my mission president and asked for
permission. 6 months ago I hugged them goodbye and it was supposed to
be 18 months til I saw them again! So thanks for the fun surprise
Benjamin and Carli!
To make the day even weirder, on the way home from church a guy
stopped me in the street and said "Mujerrrr sabes qué? Eres muy guapa!
(Womannnnn you know what? You are very beautiful!) And waved his hand
in two inches from my faces. I brushed that off because we get that
sometimes. But thirty seconds later another guy stops me and starts
blowing kisses at me. Does this mean I should dye my hair black?? It
was just a weird weird day. I'm writing these emails from the church
building and I still don't believe that my brother was here yesterday.
Anyways. I'm going to rewinds to Tuesday. I'm finally getting into the
missionary groove apparently because Monday and Tuesday night I had
dreams I was teaching a lesson and I woke up because I sat up in bed
and started to teach someone how to pray. Then I wake up, realize what
I'm doing and where I am and then lay back down.
This week has been one of adjusting and readjusting as a
companionship. Hermana Twede and I have really similar backgrounds
(Mormon families, went to BYU, play piano, like to eat ;) ) Because we
are so similar, we are really good friends but sometimes it we talk
too much about home and it distracts us from the work we are here to
do. We are both perfectionists and just want to be perfect, obedient
missionaries right now. After several days of imperfection despite our
efforts, we had to take a step back. We realized that we really are
progressing, just not as quickly as we would like to be. But our
direction is towards the Savior and our hearts are filled with real
intent. We have had many lessons that have failed us which has led to
frustration, but God is good and has given us miracles to show us He
has not forgotten us.
On Wednesday the ward had a cultural fair to celebrate the national
Spain holiday Dia de naciones (Dsy of nations). The members in the
ward come from a lot of other countries and so each country
represented had a table. Each country was presented and then we all
shared food. :) Hermana Twede and I only had time to make no bake
oatmeal cookies... but the elders pulled through and made some
Halfway through the presentations the Chileans show up and hang up
this ridiculously huge flag and put out food. Oh Chileans. They're
always late, but they go the hardest. :) It was a fun night and we got
some time with our investigator Kathi (She came to church for the
first time on Sunday!).
We have been doing a lot of contacting and have had several lessons on
the street but no new investigators yet. Poco a poco. (Little by
Well the weather is taking a turn downhill here... It's been raining
on and off and it been pretty chilly. I have my winter jacket out and
am using it a lot. And I'm starting wonder if it's going to be warm
enough for when real winter comes! Eeksies. I remember telling Dad
when we bought it that I wouldn't need such a big jacket because it
doesn't get cold in Spain. Well, I just so happen to be spending my
only winter here in the only city in southern Spain then gets snow.
Dad, you were right and I was wrong. As usual... hahaha. So the
cardigans and scarves are coming out.
Today, pday, we went grocery shopping. We found this fruit and veggie
market that has a deal that if you spend 10 euros, they give you two
baguettes of homemade bread for free! Then we went shoppingggg and I
bought four more cardigans and a sweater.
I love you all! Have a wonderful week! I testify that God is our
salivation! 2 Nephi 22:2. Look it up.
Love, Hermana Moore
Yep, I'm still not completely convinced this happened.
Kathi and Hermana Twede.
Our sad table before the elders showed up to add brownies and boxing gloves.

I got a package from Carolin today! :)
my Sunday. Yesterday was one of by weirdest days of my mission. I woke
up and got ready like usual. While we were eating breakfast, we got a
call from a man from our ward asking us to go to the church earlier
and set up a table. With just a teeny bit of grumbling we went. Once
we set up the table we had 20 extra minutes and so we stood near the
door waiting to greet people coming in. Well all of the sudden I
looked at the door and and there were two very familiar people walking
through. They had rolling suitcases and their names were Benjamin and
Carli. I just stood there stunned as my missionary life collided with
my "regular life". Benjamin held his arms open and I just said "qué
hace aquí??" (What are you doing here?!) and hugged him. For those of
you who don't know, it isn't recommended that family visit
missionaries. But Benjamin called my mission president and asked for
permission. 6 months ago I hugged them goodbye and it was supposed to
be 18 months til I saw them again! So thanks for the fun surprise
Benjamin and Carli!
To make the day even weirder, on the way home from church a guy
stopped me in the street and said "Mujerrrr sabes qué? Eres muy guapa!
(Womannnnn you know what? You are very beautiful!) And waved his hand
in two inches from my faces. I brushed that off because we get that
sometimes. But thirty seconds later another guy stops me and starts
blowing kisses at me. Does this mean I should dye my hair black?? It
was just a weird weird day. I'm writing these emails from the church
building and I still don't believe that my brother was here yesterday.
Anyways. I'm going to rewinds to Tuesday. I'm finally getting into the
missionary groove apparently because Monday and Tuesday night I had
dreams I was teaching a lesson and I woke up because I sat up in bed
and started to teach someone how to pray. Then I wake up, realize what
I'm doing and where I am and then lay back down.
This week has been one of adjusting and readjusting as a
companionship. Hermana Twede and I have really similar backgrounds
(Mormon families, went to BYU, play piano, like to eat ;) ) Because we
are so similar, we are really good friends but sometimes it we talk
too much about home and it distracts us from the work we are here to
do. We are both perfectionists and just want to be perfect, obedient
missionaries right now. After several days of imperfection despite our
efforts, we had to take a step back. We realized that we really are
progressing, just not as quickly as we would like to be. But our
direction is towards the Savior and our hearts are filled with real
intent. We have had many lessons that have failed us which has led to
frustration, but God is good and has given us miracles to show us He
has not forgotten us.
On Wednesday the ward had a cultural fair to celebrate the national
Spain holiday Dia de naciones (Dsy of nations). The members in the
ward come from a lot of other countries and so each country
represented had a table. Each country was presented and then we all
shared food. :) Hermana Twede and I only had time to make no bake
oatmeal cookies... but the elders pulled through and made some
Halfway through the presentations the Chileans show up and hang up
this ridiculously huge flag and put out food. Oh Chileans. They're
always late, but they go the hardest. :) It was a fun night and we got
some time with our investigator Kathi (She came to church for the
first time on Sunday!).
We have been doing a lot of contacting and have had several lessons on
the street but no new investigators yet. Poco a poco. (Little by
Well the weather is taking a turn downhill here... It's been raining
on and off and it been pretty chilly. I have my winter jacket out and
am using it a lot. And I'm starting wonder if it's going to be warm
enough for when real winter comes! Eeksies. I remember telling Dad
when we bought it that I wouldn't need such a big jacket because it
doesn't get cold in Spain. Well, I just so happen to be spending my
only winter here in the only city in southern Spain then gets snow.
Dad, you were right and I was wrong. As usual... hahaha. So the
cardigans and scarves are coming out.
Today, pday, we went grocery shopping. We found this fruit and veggie
market that has a deal that if you spend 10 euros, they give you two
baguettes of homemade bread for free! Then we went shoppingggg and I
bought four more cardigans and a sweater.
I love you all! Have a wonderful week! I testify that God is our
salivation! 2 Nephi 22:2. Look it up.
Love, Hermana Moore
Yep, I'm still not completely convinced this happened.

I got a package from Carolin today! :)
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