Hola friends! Happy Halloween! Well, our party plans fell through when
the pumpkins they have here aren't very good and we couldn't find
caramels to make caramel apples with... so I ended up making chocolate
covered pretzels instead. Ahh well. The rest of Spain has been
partying it up and we've been pushing on with missionary work. :) It
has been a good, happy week, but not too much has happened since I
last wrote.
On Tuesday we had district meeting and I spoke for a few minutes about
the Holy Ghost. Public speaking is going to be a breeze when I get
Once a transfer we have exchanges with the sister training leaders.
They are a set of sisters that have more time in the mission. So on
Wednesday afternoon we went to the bus station to catch our bus to
Málaga and we stayed there for a day. I also got to see Hermana
DeBoard(my trainer) again! It was so weird seeing her because I feel
like we were companions forever ago!
We got back to Granada at around 5:30 so we got back to our apartment
and then left again. We went to one of our lessons later and then by
the time we left we realized we realized we'd be late to our 9 pm
appointment with Windy and Kaomi and we wouldn't have a lot of time
with them. Hermana Twede and I thought about if we wanted to go or
reschedule and I decided we should go. We got on a bus and headed
there and I could tell that Hermana Twede was kind of upset with me.
It was understandable because we would have to sit down, share a short
message and leave right away to get home in time. When we walked into
their home, their living room was decorated for Halloween and they had
a table with donuts (hey Tyler! I like donuts now!) and cookies and
chips just for us! It was so cute! And we got to visit with Kaomi,
Windy and their little sister Sheila and their mom Lenni! It was SUCH
a tender mercy! When we got out I looked at Hermana Twede and I asked
her to forgive me for making us go. :p hahaha. Hermana Twede is just
so great. We have such a fun time doing this glorious work together.
She's such a blessing for me.
On Friday we did weekly planning and afterwards, we had a little free
time so I had Hermana Twede trim my hair! She did a good job. :) and
it was free. Friday night after english class and meeting with the
ward mission leader we went and "heart attacked" (out a bunch of paper
earth and notes) a member's door since her mom's health isn't doing
great. We were just about to leave when she saw our shadows and opened
the door! So that was a bummer we didn't make the great escape.
Service is fun. :)
Well that's pretty much it for this week! I love you all lots and lots!
Enjoy some pictures of my missionary life.
Hermana DeBoard, Matsu, Burrell, Stephens, and Twede

Hermana Twede trimmed my hair!

We plan good meals. :) French toast.

Churros. :)
Love, Hermana Moore
the pumpkins they have here aren't very good and we couldn't find
caramels to make caramel apples with... so I ended up making chocolate
covered pretzels instead. Ahh well. The rest of Spain has been
partying it up and we've been pushing on with missionary work. :) It
has been a good, happy week, but not too much has happened since I
last wrote.
On Tuesday we had district meeting and I spoke for a few minutes about
the Holy Ghost. Public speaking is going to be a breeze when I get
Once a transfer we have exchanges with the sister training leaders.
They are a set of sisters that have more time in the mission. So on
Wednesday afternoon we went to the bus station to catch our bus to
Málaga and we stayed there for a day. I also got to see Hermana
DeBoard(my trainer) again! It was so weird seeing her because I feel
like we were companions forever ago!
We got back to Granada at around 5:30 so we got back to our apartment
and then left again. We went to one of our lessons later and then by
the time we left we realized we realized we'd be late to our 9 pm
appointment with Windy and Kaomi and we wouldn't have a lot of time
with them. Hermana Twede and I thought about if we wanted to go or
reschedule and I decided we should go. We got on a bus and headed
there and I could tell that Hermana Twede was kind of upset with me.
It was understandable because we would have to sit down, share a short
message and leave right away to get home in time. When we walked into
their home, their living room was decorated for Halloween and they had
a table with donuts (hey Tyler! I like donuts now!) and cookies and
chips just for us! It was so cute! And we got to visit with Kaomi,
Windy and their little sister Sheila and their mom Lenni! It was SUCH
a tender mercy! When we got out I looked at Hermana Twede and I asked
her to forgive me for making us go. :p hahaha. Hermana Twede is just
so great. We have such a fun time doing this glorious work together.
She's such a blessing for me.
On Friday we did weekly planning and afterwards, we had a little free
time so I had Hermana Twede trim my hair! She did a good job. :) and
it was free. Friday night after english class and meeting with the
ward mission leader we went and "heart attacked" (out a bunch of paper
earth and notes) a member's door since her mom's health isn't doing
great. We were just about to leave when she saw our shadows and opened
the door! So that was a bummer we didn't make the great escape.
Service is fun. :)
Well that's pretty much it for this week! I love you all lots and lots!
Enjoy some pictures of my missionary life.
Hermana Twede trimmed my hair!
We plan good meals. :) French toast.
Churros. :)
Love, Hermana Moore