While I was studying at BYU one of my friends would always look at me and say, "wow. It's just a great day to be a Cougar." I often find myself thinking, "wow! It's just a great day to be a missionary!" It has been such a fabulous week and it truly has been a great week to be a missionary of the Lord here in Spain.
It's preparation dayyy! I hope you are all doing great and enjoying having your kids back at school again. It's been a long week but short at the same time. I don't have a whole lot to say since we're finally getting into a routine as a trio.
Ohhhh. And before I forget, I won't be writing until Tuesday next week. We got permission to change our preparation day to Tuesday so we can go to a Vikings museum in Alicante. It should be pretty cool. Also Hermana Højholdt is from Denmark so they're her ancestors. Haha.
On Tuesday we woke up at 5:30 am and traveled to Murcia for a zone conference. Every 3 months we have a meeting with 80-100 missionaries and listen to different people speak. This conference, we were blessed to hear from Elder Craig W. Zwick of the 70, a leader of our church.
We listened to him speak, along with President Andersen and his wife, and a few others from 10am to 4.
We got an extra bolt of excitement to be doing this work. I cannot even begin to write the things I learned form zone conference so I will just share a few bits of revelation I received. Something cool about revelation is that most of the time, you don't realize it is revelation when you receive it! I thought that the different speakers said most of the things I wrote down in my journal but at the end of the conference when I commented to my companions what I liked they said, uhhh I don't remember hearing anyone say that. What a blessing to have those few hours to hear from inspired servants of the Lord. I think the biggest thing I took from the conference is that I need to change NOW. My mission is the time the Lord has given me to strengthen myself and prepare myself for the trials that will surely come.
After, all 100 of us ate paella together!
On Friday we had exchanges with the sister training leaders. We all went to Alicante and traded companions and worked in their area. As you can see, we were pretty tired even on the ride there.
You sleep while you can.
On Friday night Hermana Portas, Hermana Gibson and I were a trio and we had a couple of lessons. One of them was with an investigator named Alex. After we taught him, we went and ate empanadas at a Colombian restaurant.

We're still working hard and we're still a happy trio!
Our investigator Eddy from Nigeria is coming along and we're having a nice time teaching him.
We're getting better at teaching clearly and with unity which is hard to do with three people!
On Sunday while we were saying hi to people before the meetings started, we met 4 Germans on vacation here. They didn't speak much Spanish but they spoke perfect English. We talked with them for a little bit and then they asked us if someone could translate the meeting from Spanish to English for them. Everyone kind of laughed and then pointed at me and said I could! So.... I did it! I sat by them and translated the entire hour long meeting. It wasn't perfect but I could do it without thinking too much. I want to practice translating and become good at it! I don't think I could handle English to Spanish yet but going from Spanish to English is easier. Yay I'm almost bilingual!

On Wednesday we had district meeting and we all wore matching dresses just to the meeting. Hna. Gibson had two and Hna. Højholdt had one. I realize how much I despise being matching with people and we got SOOO many extra stares in the five minute bus ride. Hahaha. We changed later so not too many people saw us like this. I love these girls.
Sorry there's not much this week.
I love you all! And I love being a missionary.
Love, Hermana Moore
It's preparation dayyy! I hope you are all doing great and enjoying having your kids back at school again. It's been a long week but short at the same time. I don't have a whole lot to say since we're finally getting into a routine as a trio.
Ohhhh. And before I forget, I won't be writing until Tuesday next week. We got permission to change our preparation day to Tuesday so we can go to a Vikings museum in Alicante. It should be pretty cool. Also Hermana Højholdt is from Denmark so they're her ancestors. Haha.
On Tuesday we woke up at 5:30 am and traveled to Murcia for a zone conference. Every 3 months we have a meeting with 80-100 missionaries and listen to different people speak. This conference, we were blessed to hear from Elder Craig W. Zwick of the 70, a leader of our church.
We listened to him speak, along with President Andersen and his wife, and a few others from 10am to 4.
We got an extra bolt of excitement to be doing this work. I cannot even begin to write the things I learned form zone conference so I will just share a few bits of revelation I received. Something cool about revelation is that most of the time, you don't realize it is revelation when you receive it! I thought that the different speakers said most of the things I wrote down in my journal but at the end of the conference when I commented to my companions what I liked they said, uhhh I don't remember hearing anyone say that. What a blessing to have those few hours to hear from inspired servants of the Lord. I think the biggest thing I took from the conference is that I need to change NOW. My mission is the time the Lord has given me to strengthen myself and prepare myself for the trials that will surely come.
You sleep while you can.
We're still working hard and we're still a happy trio!
Our investigator Eddy from Nigeria is coming along and we're having a nice time teaching him.
We're getting better at teaching clearly and with unity which is hard to do with three people!
On Sunday while we were saying hi to people before the meetings started, we met 4 Germans on vacation here. They didn't speak much Spanish but they spoke perfect English. We talked with them for a little bit and then they asked us if someone could translate the meeting from Spanish to English for them. Everyone kind of laughed and then pointed at me and said I could! So.... I did it! I sat by them and translated the entire hour long meeting. It wasn't perfect but I could do it without thinking too much. I want to practice translating and become good at it! I don't think I could handle English to Spanish yet but going from Spanish to English is easier. Yay I'm almost bilingual!
On Wednesday we had district meeting and we all wore matching dresses just to the meeting. Hna. Gibson had two and Hna. Højholdt had one. I realize how much I despise being matching with people and we got SOOO many extra stares in the five minute bus ride. Hahaha. We changed later so not too many people saw us like this. I love these girls.
Sorry there's not much this week.
I love you all! And I love being a missionary.
Love, Hermana Moore
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