Hello friends!
The weeks are getting shorter and shorter and it's been pretty warm here. Right now it's a cool 100 degrees and we're sitting in the shade waiting for the elders to come so we can go to a castle museum. This week has been a wonderful week and my two wonderful companions and I are working harder than I've ever worked before.
We've seen a lot of little miracles this week. On Wednesday afternoon we passed by a few people and tried to see if they actually lived there. One teaching record said Gertrudis but we couldn't figure out which apartment was hers. We got into the building and went to the floor we thought it was. It didn't end up being hers. We started walking out and Hermana Gibson turned around and looked at me and we both said at the same time that we should knock doors. The first door we knocked we found a lady named.... GERTRUDIS. God is so cool. She pretended to not know who we were and said she didn't want anything to do with the church... So that was weird. But it just showed us that God is aware of what we are doing. Another time this week we weren't having any luck passing by people so we de died to knock doors. It easier to knock doors when we can get into an apartment building and talk to people over their doorstep rather than their intercom. None of the doors we were passing were open and so Hermana Gibson says, you just have to have faith and pushed on a door and IT OPENED. We went in and talked to a family and on the way out of the building we checked to see how solid the doors was and it was a heavy metal door and it didn't budge when I pushed on it. Again, God is so cool.
Our investigator Eddy has a baptismal date for September 17th! So that the goal we're working towards with him. He had a lot of questions and I love answering them because they make me think and build my own testimony.
I've been leading the area which basically means I'm the only one out of the three of us who knows where to go. It's been good for me and I'm getting better at directions and God has definitely been helping me out with feeling more confident and sure about myself.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, we are having what is called a "cosecha". Cosecha means harvest and it's going to be a "harvest" of people who are ready to listen to the Gospel! We have 9 missionaries in Elche now and we are going to get all of them together for this activity in our area. Each missionary will go on splits with a member from our ward to go out to contact and knock doors. Working with members is so important. We have been doing some planning for it and are really excited. We are hoping (trusting in the Lord!) to get a lot of future investigators. We prayed to know where to send each missionary and their companion and let me tell you, revelation is REAL. We prayed separately and then discussed our findings as a companionship and many of the streets were in the same area, if not the same exact street.
Church yesterday was just wonderful and Hermana Gibson and Hermana Højholdt got to meet our wonderful ward members. As I looked around in Sacrament meeting I realized how much I've come to love the people I get to serve here in Elche. I've been here for more than 3 months already. During Relief Society we stood up and testified of missionary work and invited the sisters to come and work with us for the cosecha and they got excited about it! So we have enough people for the hermanas in Elche to have a member companion! We also sent around a calendar for having us over for lunch and we're excited for all of our citas this week to get to know the members better.
I have such high hopes for this transfer with my lovely companions. We have already contacted more than I have in the last three and half months and I'm getting a lot more comfortable with just putting myself out there. We are going to to see so many miracles and I just can't wait. :)
Hermana Matsu and Hermana Giraldo just got put into the second ward of Elche and so now there's 5 of us in the same city! Our districts got jumbled around too so now in my district there are 5 hermanas and 2 elders!
Last Monday I had a nice relaxing pday and we sat around and emailed, ate frozen pizza and played charades. Elder Pesce and I won (CLARO.) Tuesday was our greatly awaited cosecha! Like I explained past week, all 9 missionaries in Elche went out and contacted with a member for two hours in our area. My member companion was Teresa Juarez (I forgot to take a picture with her so I'll need to do that before I leave Elche...) She was READY and I think she was better at contacting than
I am. We talked to EVERY SINGLE PERSON in our path and handed out two Books of Mormon, lots of pamphlets and lots of pass along cards. We walked 3.5 miles in two hours! From all 9 pairs of missionaries we ended up with 14 futures in all! It was so awesome to work so closely with the members. They are so vital in missionary work and they got so excited about helping us.
Every night I am so utterly exhausted and it takes me 1.7 seconds to fall asleep but I know that every minute of my day was given to the Lord. With the three of us, we are always following the missionary schedule exactly. There are two ways a companionship gets along: 1. If you are being disobedient together. 2. If you are being exactly obedient. There's no middle and there's no wiggle room. So here's what I did this week.
On Wednesday I made a mistake. When I got to Elche Hermana DeBoard pointed to a big white building complex and said, "now Hermana Moore. That is San Anton. We don't go there because it's too dangerous. Don't go there ever." WELL. On Tuesday afternoon we passed by a few futures we had in our maps and one of them was Francisco. He lived in a sketchy looking part of town and we didn't quite feel safe there. But we carried on and knocked the whole building to find him. He answered and we set up a cita for Wednesday. Fast forward to Wednesday afternoon and we are on the way to Fransisco's house and we felt a little freaked out walking through the alleyways but we'll do anything for God so we continued. I got a weird feeling and I looked up and said a sign that said "San Anton Bakery" and I realized where we were. Bahahaha. So we got out of there pretty quickly and gave the elders Francisco's address. Now Hermana Højholdt and Hermana Gibson call me Simba from the Lion King when he is warned about the dangerous elephant graveyard. Hahaha. Whoops.
On Friday we had zone meeting and the power trio spoke. We gave a powerful short taller about our calling as missionaries and how we are set apart on a high plane of obedience. We gave them candy too so it went well.
Here's the Alicante Zone.
The weeks are getting shorter and shorter and it's been pretty warm here. Right now it's a cool 100 degrees and we're sitting in the shade waiting for the elders to come so we can go to a castle museum. This week has been a wonderful week and my two wonderful companions and I are working harder than I've ever worked before.
We've seen a lot of little miracles this week. On Wednesday afternoon we passed by a few people and tried to see if they actually lived there. One teaching record said Gertrudis but we couldn't figure out which apartment was hers. We got into the building and went to the floor we thought it was. It didn't end up being hers. We started walking out and Hermana Gibson turned around and looked at me and we both said at the same time that we should knock doors. The first door we knocked we found a lady named.... GERTRUDIS. God is so cool. She pretended to not know who we were and said she didn't want anything to do with the church... So that was weird. But it just showed us that God is aware of what we are doing. Another time this week we weren't having any luck passing by people so we de died to knock doors. It easier to knock doors when we can get into an apartment building and talk to people over their doorstep rather than their intercom. None of the doors we were passing were open and so Hermana Gibson says, you just have to have faith and pushed on a door and IT OPENED. We went in and talked to a family and on the way out of the building we checked to see how solid the doors was and it was a heavy metal door and it didn't budge when I pushed on it. Again, God is so cool.
Our investigator Eddy has a baptismal date for September 17th! So that the goal we're working towards with him. He had a lot of questions and I love answering them because they make me think and build my own testimony.
I've been leading the area which basically means I'm the only one out of the three of us who knows where to go. It's been good for me and I'm getting better at directions and God has definitely been helping me out with feeling more confident and sure about myself.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, we are having what is called a "cosecha". Cosecha means harvest and it's going to be a "harvest" of people who are ready to listen to the Gospel! We have 9 missionaries in Elche now and we are going to get all of them together for this activity in our area. Each missionary will go on splits with a member from our ward to go out to contact and knock doors. Working with members is so important. We have been doing some planning for it and are really excited. We are hoping (trusting in the Lord!) to get a lot of future investigators. We prayed to know where to send each missionary and their companion and let me tell you, revelation is REAL. We prayed separately and then discussed our findings as a companionship and many of the streets were in the same area, if not the same exact street.
Church yesterday was just wonderful and Hermana Gibson and Hermana Højholdt got to meet our wonderful ward members. As I looked around in Sacrament meeting I realized how much I've come to love the people I get to serve here in Elche. I've been here for more than 3 months already. During Relief Society we stood up and testified of missionary work and invited the sisters to come and work with us for the cosecha and they got excited about it! So we have enough people for the hermanas in Elche to have a member companion! We also sent around a calendar for having us over for lunch and we're excited for all of our citas this week to get to know the members better.
I have such high hopes for this transfer with my lovely companions. We have already contacted more than I have in the last three and half months and I'm getting a lot more comfortable with just putting myself out there. We are going to to see so many miracles and I just can't wait. :)
Hermana Matsu and Hermana Giraldo just got put into the second ward of Elche and so now there's 5 of us in the same city! Our districts got jumbled around too so now in my district there are 5 hermanas and 2 elders!
I am. We talked to EVERY SINGLE PERSON in our path and handed out two Books of Mormon, lots of pamphlets and lots of pass along cards. We walked 3.5 miles in two hours! From all 9 pairs of missionaries we ended up with 14 futures in all! It was so awesome to work so closely with the members. They are so vital in missionary work and they got so excited about helping us.
Every night I am so utterly exhausted and it takes me 1.7 seconds to fall asleep but I know that every minute of my day was given to the Lord. With the three of us, we are always following the missionary schedule exactly. There are two ways a companionship gets along: 1. If you are being disobedient together. 2. If you are being exactly obedient. There's no middle and there's no wiggle room. So here's what I did this week.
Even after the cosecha, the miracles didn't stop. We had an hour left so we starting contacting on a street when we got to building number 17 and Hermana Højholdt pushed on the doors and said 17 Miracles!! And of course, since God is so good to us, the solid metal door opened without a problem. We knocked every door in that building and got 4 futures! Tuesday was such a good day. And we even went running in the morning! We go running every Tuesday and Thursday and that's been good for us!
On Friday we had zone meeting and the power trio spoke. We gave a powerful short taller about our calling as missionaries and how we are set apart on a high plane of obedience. We gave them candy too so it went well.
On Saturday we had the most interesting lesson I've had on my mission. We taught a reference from Hermana Moreno and we taught him the Restoration lesson. He doesn't really believe that Christ established His church on the earth which made it difficult to say that our church is Christ's church restored... He also believes he fought in Christian wars in 1290... So that was a fun time.
Church was awesome and a lot of people bore their testimonies about missionary work!
I know without a shadow of a doubt that this church is true. I've taught the lesson about the Restoration so many times this week and I know that God restored His church though His prophet Joseph Smith. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. Being on a mission isn't hard and I'm grateful for this opportunity to feel a fraction, yes a tiny tiny fraction, of what my Savior felt as He suffered for me.
I love you all! Be safe! Pray lots and remember that you have a Father that loves you!
Love, Hermana Moore
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