Hello all you wonderful people! This week has gone by flying and now
I'm 20 years old! It's been a fantastic week as a missionary and we've
been seeing the Lord's hand in the work. I'm writing you his email
from the exciting location of a dentist office in a Cartagena, Spain!
Poor Hermana Encarnación has to get a root canal. Just in case you
were wondering, the dentist offices here smell the same as in the
Let's seee. Highlights from the week. One of my favorite parts of the
week was eating with the Mendez family on Wednesday. Araceli, Nery and
Nery Jr. After we ate, we shared Isaiah 53: 3-7 and had a really
special conversation about the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We
all felt the Spirit testifying of each word we said. I love testifying
of the reality of the Atonement. I know that Christ died AND was
resurrected to save us from our sins. I know that through the power of
the Atonement we can feel of God's love and forgiveness. I have felt
it and I know that every single one of us can feel of it too.
On Thursday I had an interview with President Andersen and it was a
good refocus for me to keep working hard and trust in my calling.
Friday was the once-a-transfer tri-zone conference! So a bunch of
missionaries gathered together! And in that mix of missionaries was my
favorite hermana serving in Elche... HERMANA TWEDE!! We were so
excited to see each other which is funny because we lived with each
other for 3 months straight! She gave me a package for my birthday and
I think we hugged for about 10 minutes straight. I just love her. :)
the conference lasted from 10:30 am until 4 pm without much of a
break. So it was a long Conference but I learned a whole ton. We've
been focusing on relying on the Holy Ghost and it's role in helping
people gain their own testimonies. All the missionaries ate paella
together and then Hermana Encarnación and I stayed at the church for
English class and family home evening.
One of the coolest contacts we had was finding Pablo. We found him in
a park and we talked to him for a while. He was polite but he didn't
want anything. As we were walking away, he asked "wellll.... what
makes your church different from all the others?" And BAM! There we
were sitting next to him teaching him all about the Restoration of the
church of Jesus Christ! And he loved it!! We gave him a Book of Mormon
and he gave us his number to learn more. Missionary work is cool.
Saturday was my birthday! Thank you to everyone who thought about me,
wrote me, prayed for me or sent me candy (the candy I'm eating here in
the dentist office out of spite!)! I really appreciate it! At the
conference on Friday I got 4 packages from home and an elder came out
of the room where all the mail was and came up to me and said,
slightly put out, "Are you Hermana Moore?" Yes... "Well did you know
that you have HALF of packages in there are for YOU?" So thanks
Carolin, James and Miranda! And a big shout out to Hermana Twede for
the presents too! On Saturday morning Hermana Encarnación decorated
with balloons and I opened the packages. Then we got to work and went
CONTACTING! We talked to several people and had good conversations
with them. We found two people who are interested in learning more
about what we believe. Towards the end of the morning we stopped by
the post office to pick up a package from Dad. I figured it would be
candy or something small so I brought my bigger purse so I could pick
up the package, put it in my bag and keep working for another hour
before lunch. Well, Dad didn't sent me candy--he sent me a stuffed
unicorn! So I knocked a couple doors and contacted a few people with a
unicorn in my purse. :) Even though I'm a missionary, I still get to
be a little girl you know. We had a few lessons in the afternoon and
then we went to the church for Fayaz's baptism. Elder Parker and Elder
Holloway were teaching him and we got to see him get baptized! As we
were eating some snacks afterwards Hermana Højholdt and Hermana
Malterre came out of the kitchen with a cake and everyone started
singing! So it was a good birthday. :)
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
The paper flowers our investigator Antonio made for us.

Reunited! The one and only Hermana Twede!

The surprise birthday cake!

Birthday morning!
Even though I'm 20, I'm still your little girl, Dad!
Love, Hermana Moore
I'm 20 years old! It's been a fantastic week as a missionary and we've
been seeing the Lord's hand in the work. I'm writing you his email
from the exciting location of a dentist office in a Cartagena, Spain!
Poor Hermana Encarnación has to get a root canal. Just in case you
were wondering, the dentist offices here smell the same as in the
Let's seee. Highlights from the week. One of my favorite parts of the
week was eating with the Mendez family on Wednesday. Araceli, Nery and
Nery Jr. After we ate, we shared Isaiah 53: 3-7 and had a really
special conversation about the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We
all felt the Spirit testifying of each word we said. I love testifying
of the reality of the Atonement. I know that Christ died AND was
resurrected to save us from our sins. I know that through the power of
the Atonement we can feel of God's love and forgiveness. I have felt
it and I know that every single one of us can feel of it too.
On Thursday I had an interview with President Andersen and it was a
good refocus for me to keep working hard and trust in my calling.
Friday was the once-a-transfer tri-zone conference! So a bunch of
missionaries gathered together! And in that mix of missionaries was my
favorite hermana serving in Elche... HERMANA TWEDE!! We were so
excited to see each other which is funny because we lived with each
other for 3 months straight! She gave me a package for my birthday and
I think we hugged for about 10 minutes straight. I just love her. :)
the conference lasted from 10:30 am until 4 pm without much of a
break. So it was a long Conference but I learned a whole ton. We've
been focusing on relying on the Holy Ghost and it's role in helping
people gain their own testimonies. All the missionaries ate paella
together and then Hermana Encarnación and I stayed at the church for
English class and family home evening.
One of the coolest contacts we had was finding Pablo. We found him in
a park and we talked to him for a while. He was polite but he didn't
want anything. As we were walking away, he asked "wellll.... what
makes your church different from all the others?" And BAM! There we
were sitting next to him teaching him all about the Restoration of the
church of Jesus Christ! And he loved it!! We gave him a Book of Mormon
and he gave us his number to learn more. Missionary work is cool.
Saturday was my birthday! Thank you to everyone who thought about me,
wrote me, prayed for me or sent me candy (the candy I'm eating here in
the dentist office out of spite!)! I really appreciate it! At the
conference on Friday I got 4 packages from home and an elder came out
of the room where all the mail was and came up to me and said,
slightly put out, "Are you Hermana Moore?" Yes... "Well did you know
that you have HALF of packages in there are for YOU?" So thanks
Carolin, James and Miranda! And a big shout out to Hermana Twede for
the presents too! On Saturday morning Hermana Encarnación decorated
with balloons and I opened the packages. Then we got to work and went
CONTACTING! We talked to several people and had good conversations
with them. We found two people who are interested in learning more
about what we believe. Towards the end of the morning we stopped by
the post office to pick up a package from Dad. I figured it would be
candy or something small so I brought my bigger purse so I could pick
up the package, put it in my bag and keep working for another hour
before lunch. Well, Dad didn't sent me candy--he sent me a stuffed
unicorn! So I knocked a couple doors and contacted a few people with a
unicorn in my purse. :) Even though I'm a missionary, I still get to
be a little girl you know. We had a few lessons in the afternoon and
then we went to the church for Fayaz's baptism. Elder Parker and Elder
Holloway were teaching him and we got to see him get baptized! As we
were eating some snacks afterwards Hermana Højholdt and Hermana
Malterre came out of the kitchen with a cake and everyone started
singing! So it was a good birthday. :)
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
The paper flowers our investigator Antonio made for us.
Reunited! The one and only Hermana Twede!
The surprise birthday cake!
Birthday morning!
Even though I'm 20, I'm still your little girl, Dad!
Love, Hermana Moore
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