Feliz Anño Nuevo! What an exciting week it has been! Our investigator
is progressing incredibly well, transfers happened, I was alone with 4
elders for 11 hours, and I was sick for the first day of 2017! Here's
what happened!
Tuesday was a very busy day because it was Hermana Twede's last full
day in Granada. We had district meeting and then had a lesson with
Karen. We talked about the importance of praying, reading the
scriptures and going to church. While we were talking about prayer,
she told us about a really cool spiritual experience she had on
Sunday. She has been many times but she has never felt comfortable
taking the Sacrament. Well, this week she felt prompted to take it and
she said that as she ate the bread, she felt a big rush of peace and
happiness and she knew this church was true and it is something God
wants her to have in her life!! Just the lesson before we had talked
about the Holy Ghost and she hadn't really been able to understand it
because she hadn't experienced it. We explained that these were
feelings brought on by the Holy Ghost! Then we had lessons with
Carmela, Mak and Jonathan, Windy and Kaomy and Sheila, and Kathi. It
was a packed evening and we ended up having to run to make it to a few
of them! But it all worked out and Hermana Twede was able to say
goodbye to a lot of people. She'll be missed! Tuesday night was very
long but Hermana Twede got all packed up and I wrote in her transfer
Wednesday morning we got up at 6 am and at 9 am I watched one of my
best friends get on a bus on her way to Elche. I'll miss her a ton but
she's not done with me yet. ;) She'll be stuck for life. Since there
aren't any other hermanas in Granada, I was companions with 4 elders
for the rest of the day! We spent it mostly at the bus station waiting
for people to pass through. And boy was that interesting! But we
learned new things about each other and I helped Elder Kroff with his
English a bit. It was a very long day but it was fun! My new
companion, Hermana Gentry, came in at 8pm and Hermana Sigcha who was
passing through ended up having to sleep the night in our apartment.
On Thursday we had planning and then headed to the bus station to drop
Hermana Sigcha off for her to go to Córdoba. After we dropped her off
we had a few lessons and Hermana Gentry got to see a bit of her new
On Friday morning we went and sang at a nursing home and I played
piano because the amazing pianist Hermana Twede wasn't there. Then we
had another awesome lesson with Karen. We had English class and
correlation and got some contacting in.
Saturday, New Year's Eve, ended up being a really good day! We met
with Sandra and Dillan (less actives) and did a lot of contacting. We
found a few futures which hopefully we can turn into investigators. In
the afternoon we contacted again and met with Carmela (the member we
help read). We stopped proselyting at around 8. We planned to meet up
with the elders and go get Domino's pizza but we figured out pretty
quickly that EVERYTHING was closed! Everything! Even the little cafes.
So the six of us took the brownies we had made for Elder Jones'
birthday ( a few days late) and went and sat on a bench together and
ate brownies. We went on a little adventure hike up some cobblestone
streets to see an overlook of Granada and sat up there for awhile. And
then we got back home at around 10. And that left Hermana Gentry and I
about 2 hours to talk and listen to music!
Let me tell you about Hermana Gentry. She is from California and she
got to the MTC 3 weeks before me. She is such a good missionary, she
is charitable and her Spanish is killer. I am so excited for the work
we are going to get done together here in Granada.
Back to our New Year's Eve celebrations. Here in Spain they have a
tradition that during the last 12 stokes of the clock of the year you
have to eat 12 grapes. I think you're supposed to make wishes too.
Well, we tried to do it but we couldn't eat those darn grapes fast
enough! But we gave it our best and welcomed in the new year with a
lot of excitement. Yay for 2017!
2016 has been such a wonderful year for me. This year I studied at
BYU, I got my mission call, and said good bye to the people I love.
And now I am in the place where I want to be, strengthening my
testimony of my Savior in the same country where Mom served. :) I have
so many unforgettable experiences and I cannot wait to have most of
this next year here in Spain! (I can now say that I'll be home for
Christmas and that's weird!)
My only complaint about Hermana Gentry is she brought a cold with her!
(El gripe=the flu) Except it turned out to be more than just a cold
for me. I woke up at 3 am on New Year's Day nauseous and spent the
rest of the night switching between my bed, the couch, and the
bathroom floor. Ack. I woke up for church feeling awful so we opted
not to go. And it takes a lot to stop missionaries from going to
church! I slept for most of the day. I drank a lot of infusion and ate
the chicken noodle soup that I had miraculously made a few days ago to
freeze. Now it has just turned into a regular cold so I'm getting
better now. Apparently the ward had a panic attack when the hermanas
didn't show up though because I had five members call me offering to
bring me food, medicine and even to take me to the hospital. The
bishop's wife said, "well if we don't take care of you, who will?!"
For the record, I do have a loving companion who took good care of me.
I'm very loved here. :)
Well all of you, I hope you are enjoying your winter breaks and that
you have enjoyed your holidays as much as I have. Happy New Year!
Enjoy some pictures. ❤️
Hermana Twede and I with our lovely investigator Karen.

The Chuta family. :)
Happy 20th Elder Jones!
Hermana Gentry and I with Elders Egbert, Jones, Kroff and Köhler.
Love, Hermana Moore
Oh my goodness. How could I forget! The most exciting news about our
Sunday. The elders called us and told as that Karen went to church and
she was fasting to see if the Book of Mormon is true! The crazy part
is that we only talked about fasting for 15 seconds in passing because
we planned to teach it more in depth another lesson. Well, she took
the initiative and did it! Also, she asked the bishop if she could get
baptized! We are meeting with her tomorrow and hopefully she'll be
getting baptized in a couple of weeks! Karen has prepared her so much!
God is so good.
Alrighty. :) have a happy week!
Love, Hermana Moore
is progressing incredibly well, transfers happened, I was alone with 4
elders for 11 hours, and I was sick for the first day of 2017! Here's
what happened!
Tuesday was a very busy day because it was Hermana Twede's last full
day in Granada. We had district meeting and then had a lesson with
Karen. We talked about the importance of praying, reading the
scriptures and going to church. While we were talking about prayer,
she told us about a really cool spiritual experience she had on
Sunday. She has been many times but she has never felt comfortable
taking the Sacrament. Well, this week she felt prompted to take it and
she said that as she ate the bread, she felt a big rush of peace and
happiness and she knew this church was true and it is something God
wants her to have in her life!! Just the lesson before we had talked
about the Holy Ghost and she hadn't really been able to understand it
because she hadn't experienced it. We explained that these were
feelings brought on by the Holy Ghost! Then we had lessons with
Carmela, Mak and Jonathan, Windy and Kaomy and Sheila, and Kathi. It
was a packed evening and we ended up having to run to make it to a few
of them! But it all worked out and Hermana Twede was able to say
goodbye to a lot of people. She'll be missed! Tuesday night was very
long but Hermana Twede got all packed up and I wrote in her transfer
Wednesday morning we got up at 6 am and at 9 am I watched one of my
best friends get on a bus on her way to Elche. I'll miss her a ton but
she's not done with me yet. ;) She'll be stuck for life. Since there
aren't any other hermanas in Granada, I was companions with 4 elders
for the rest of the day! We spent it mostly at the bus station waiting
for people to pass through. And boy was that interesting! But we
learned new things about each other and I helped Elder Kroff with his
English a bit. It was a very long day but it was fun! My new
companion, Hermana Gentry, came in at 8pm and Hermana Sigcha who was
passing through ended up having to sleep the night in our apartment.
On Thursday we had planning and then headed to the bus station to drop
Hermana Sigcha off for her to go to Córdoba. After we dropped her off
we had a few lessons and Hermana Gentry got to see a bit of her new
On Friday morning we went and sang at a nursing home and I played
piano because the amazing pianist Hermana Twede wasn't there. Then we
had another awesome lesson with Karen. We had English class and
correlation and got some contacting in.
Saturday, New Year's Eve, ended up being a really good day! We met
with Sandra and Dillan (less actives) and did a lot of contacting. We
found a few futures which hopefully we can turn into investigators. In
the afternoon we contacted again and met with Carmela (the member we
help read). We stopped proselyting at around 8. We planned to meet up
with the elders and go get Domino's pizza but we figured out pretty
quickly that EVERYTHING was closed! Everything! Even the little cafes.
So the six of us took the brownies we had made for Elder Jones'
birthday ( a few days late) and went and sat on a bench together and
ate brownies. We went on a little adventure hike up some cobblestone
streets to see an overlook of Granada and sat up there for awhile. And
then we got back home at around 10. And that left Hermana Gentry and I
about 2 hours to talk and listen to music!
Let me tell you about Hermana Gentry. She is from California and she
got to the MTC 3 weeks before me. She is such a good missionary, she
is charitable and her Spanish is killer. I am so excited for the work
we are going to get done together here in Granada.
Back to our New Year's Eve celebrations. Here in Spain they have a
tradition that during the last 12 stokes of the clock of the year you
have to eat 12 grapes. I think you're supposed to make wishes too.
Well, we tried to do it but we couldn't eat those darn grapes fast
enough! But we gave it our best and welcomed in the new year with a
lot of excitement. Yay for 2017!
2016 has been such a wonderful year for me. This year I studied at
BYU, I got my mission call, and said good bye to the people I love.
And now I am in the place where I want to be, strengthening my
testimony of my Savior in the same country where Mom served. :) I have
so many unforgettable experiences and I cannot wait to have most of
this next year here in Spain! (I can now say that I'll be home for
Christmas and that's weird!)
My only complaint about Hermana Gentry is she brought a cold with her!
(El gripe=the flu) Except it turned out to be more than just a cold
for me. I woke up at 3 am on New Year's Day nauseous and spent the
rest of the night switching between my bed, the couch, and the
bathroom floor. Ack. I woke up for church feeling awful so we opted
not to go. And it takes a lot to stop missionaries from going to
church! I slept for most of the day. I drank a lot of infusion and ate
the chicken noodle soup that I had miraculously made a few days ago to
freeze. Now it has just turned into a regular cold so I'm getting
better now. Apparently the ward had a panic attack when the hermanas
didn't show up though because I had five members call me offering to
bring me food, medicine and even to take me to the hospital. The
bishop's wife said, "well if we don't take care of you, who will?!"
For the record, I do have a loving companion who took good care of me.
I'm very loved here. :)
Well all of you, I hope you are enjoying your winter breaks and that
you have enjoyed your holidays as much as I have. Happy New Year!
Enjoy some pictures. ❤️
Hermana Twede and I with our lovely investigator Karen.
Love, Hermana Moore
Oh my goodness. How could I forget! The most exciting news about our
Sunday. The elders called us and told as that Karen went to church and
she was fasting to see if the Book of Mormon is true! The crazy part
is that we only talked about fasting for 15 seconds in passing because
we planned to teach it more in depth another lesson. Well, she took
the initiative and did it! Also, she asked the bishop if she could get
baptized! We are meeting with her tomorrow and hopefully she'll be
getting baptized in a couple of weeks! Karen has prepared her so much!
God is so good.
Alrighty. :) have a happy week!
Love, Hermana Moore
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