Hello everyone!
Well today I am writing you all from the luxury of a bus on the way
down from the Sierra Nevada (the mountain here!) Us six missionaries
are bundled up in all of socks, scarfs, and jackets we own and we just
had a whole bunch of fun in the snow. It's 1°C so about 34°F. Pictures
to come.
This week was a good week. I spoke in our district meeting about the
Spirit and afterwards Hermana Twede and I made pancakes, sausage,
bacon and eggs for the elders. Everything turned out so well! We left
running from that for the bus station. We went to Málaga for exchanges
with Hermana Burrell and Hermana Stephens. We had a good time with
those two hermanas and we learned a lot from them.
On Thursday we had weekly planning and we made some really good lentils too.
This week was such a good week with our two investigadores Karen and
Kathi. We had an awesome lesson about the Plan of Salvation with Karen
and invited her to be baptized!! But... she said she wasn't ready yet.
But she's well on her way and she's progressing really well. She and
Kathi both came to the dinner we had with the Bishop and his family on
Friday and to a baptismal service we had AND to the ward Christmas
dinner on Saturday! So we are working a lot to help them feel like
part of the ward!
On Saturday morning a counselor in the stake presidency invited us
over to eat churros and chocolate at his house and we all ate at least
3 feet of churros. Afterwards we had a ward missionary contacting
activity and that's where we found José! We went and sat by him and
showed him the #LighttheWorld video and started talking about
Christmas and family and Christ. He doesn't believe in God and so we
testified of how we have seen God's hand in our lives. We ended up
talking about the Book of Mormon and he wanted to take it! So we gave
him one and invited him to read it. We got his number so we're going
to meet up with him again and talk about it. Cool cool.
Well, it's almost Christmas! So I want you all to read in the New
Testsment in Luke 2. As a family we always read it as we put up our
nativity set and I had been sharing it with almost everyone we teach
to get them in the Christmas spirit. So go read that chapter, or at
least verses 1-20.
From what I hear, Christmas Eve is a bigger deal than Christmas Day
and Santa Clause isn't really a thing here. They know about him but
they don't put out stockings or cookies for Santa. So that's sad... On
January 6th it is Three Kings Day and that's a huge celebration. I'll
let you know in a few weeks!
Enjoy some pictures!
Love, Hermana Moore

We went and saw a light show in downtown Málaga. And hey! It's not
cold in Málaga! I just wore a cardigan and I was hot with it on!
Granada is just its own little slice of Michigan.
We ate lunch on a snowbank.
Hermana Twede and I! ❤️
Hermana Twede and I, Elders Egbert, Köhler, Kroff, Boston.
It was a lovely pday and it snowed for a few minutes while we were up there! And then we ended the day with hot chocolate in a cafe.
I hope you have a wonderful week leading up to Christmas!
Love, Hermana Moore
Well today I am writing you all from the luxury of a bus on the way
down from the Sierra Nevada (the mountain here!) Us six missionaries
are bundled up in all of socks, scarfs, and jackets we own and we just
had a whole bunch of fun in the snow. It's 1°C so about 34°F. Pictures
to come.
This week was a good week. I spoke in our district meeting about the
Spirit and afterwards Hermana Twede and I made pancakes, sausage,
bacon and eggs for the elders. Everything turned out so well! We left
running from that for the bus station. We went to Málaga for exchanges
with Hermana Burrell and Hermana Stephens. We had a good time with
those two hermanas and we learned a lot from them.
On Thursday we had weekly planning and we made some really good lentils too.
This week was such a good week with our two investigadores Karen and
Kathi. We had an awesome lesson about the Plan of Salvation with Karen
and invited her to be baptized!! But... she said she wasn't ready yet.
But she's well on her way and she's progressing really well. She and
Kathi both came to the dinner we had with the Bishop and his family on
Friday and to a baptismal service we had AND to the ward Christmas
dinner on Saturday! So we are working a lot to help them feel like
part of the ward!
On Saturday morning a counselor in the stake presidency invited us
over to eat churros and chocolate at his house and we all ate at least
3 feet of churros. Afterwards we had a ward missionary contacting
activity and that's where we found José! We went and sat by him and
showed him the #LighttheWorld video and started talking about
Christmas and family and Christ. He doesn't believe in God and so we
testified of how we have seen God's hand in our lives. We ended up
talking about the Book of Mormon and he wanted to take it! So we gave
him one and invited him to read it. We got his number so we're going
to meet up with him again and talk about it. Cool cool.
Well, it's almost Christmas! So I want you all to read in the New
Testsment in Luke 2. As a family we always read it as we put up our
nativity set and I had been sharing it with almost everyone we teach
to get them in the Christmas spirit. So go read that chapter, or at
least verses 1-20.
From what I hear, Christmas Eve is a bigger deal than Christmas Day
and Santa Clause isn't really a thing here. They know about him but
they don't put out stockings or cookies for Santa. So that's sad... On
January 6th it is Three Kings Day and that's a huge celebration. I'll
let you know in a few weeks!
Enjoy some pictures!
Love, Hermana Moore
We went and saw a light show in downtown Málaga. And hey! It's not
cold in Málaga! I just wore a cardigan and I was hot with it on!
Granada is just its own little slice of Michigan.
I hope you have a wonderful week leading up to Christmas!
Love, Hermana Moore
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