Well it's been a pretty uneventful week here in Elche. I'm getting to the point where I find myself asking, didn't we just do this? Didn't we just do weekly planning? Didn't we just go to church? And now I'm thinking didn't I just write my group email? I'm really getting into the routine now. Today starts my fifth week in Elche which means that
the transfer is almost over.
I'm coming home! Well I have my tentative departure date anyways. I'll be leaving Spain on November 30, 2017 so I should be home on December 1st 2017. That means I get to serve for 18 months and 20 days!!
Because I was on the native track I get to serve for 13 transfers instead of 12. :) (normally sisters serve for 12 transfers and spend 6 weeks in the MTC)
Last pday I spent 8 hours on a bus to go to Málaga to do some paperwork at the police office for my Spanish ID card. It was a quick trip and a long one. This time I got to go with Hermana DeBoard but I'll have to return in a few weeks and make the trip by myself.
I discovered this week that I really love focusing on individual people. I love nightly planning and getting to say okay, what does Rubén need to progress. What scripture with help him? I love how individual the Gospel. I feel like God does the same thing for each of us during His "nightly planning". He says, okay what does Christy need
to learn today as how does she need to learn it?
I also learned a lot about prayer this week. Prayer is such a cool thing we have. We can speak wth God and He listens to us! I pray a lot as a missionary but I've had a lot more meaningful prayers this week. God really cares about me and He is willing to comfort me and bless me if I just ask Him for help!
Elder Pesce and Elder Weenig had a baptism on Saturday and it was so fun to go see Mari get baptized. I don't know her too well, but she's an older lady who really loves the church and she is proud to be baptized. She was getting a lot of flack from her family and friends for "joining" the Church. The last lesson they had she insisted they give the lesson outside in her yard so everyone could see she was taking lessons for the Mormon missionaries. :) When I asked her how she felt after getting baptized she said she felt like she had passed
on to heaven. :)
Well that's pretty much all I have for this week. Here's some random pictures!

Just a nice walk to church in sunny, palm tree-y Elche.

My lovely district.

Our completes from the other week.

The two Chileans here in ESPAÑAAAAAA.

Oh. Chile is the winner so we are celebrating today with Chilean jerseys.

I love you all lots! Have a great week and enjoy the Fourth of July!
Love, Hermana Moore
the transfer is almost over.
I'm coming home! Well I have my tentative departure date anyways. I'll be leaving Spain on November 30, 2017 so I should be home on December 1st 2017. That means I get to serve for 18 months and 20 days!!
Because I was on the native track I get to serve for 13 transfers instead of 12. :) (normally sisters serve for 12 transfers and spend 6 weeks in the MTC)
Last pday I spent 8 hours on a bus to go to Málaga to do some paperwork at the police office for my Spanish ID card. It was a quick trip and a long one. This time I got to go with Hermana DeBoard but I'll have to return in a few weeks and make the trip by myself.
I discovered this week that I really love focusing on individual people. I love nightly planning and getting to say okay, what does Rubén need to progress. What scripture with help him? I love how individual the Gospel. I feel like God does the same thing for each of us during His "nightly planning". He says, okay what does Christy need
to learn today as how does she need to learn it?
I also learned a lot about prayer this week. Prayer is such a cool thing we have. We can speak wth God and He listens to us! I pray a lot as a missionary but I've had a lot more meaningful prayers this week. God really cares about me and He is willing to comfort me and bless me if I just ask Him for help!
Elder Pesce and Elder Weenig had a baptism on Saturday and it was so fun to go see Mari get baptized. I don't know her too well, but she's an older lady who really loves the church and she is proud to be baptized. She was getting a lot of flack from her family and friends for "joining" the Church. The last lesson they had she insisted they give the lesson outside in her yard so everyone could see she was taking lessons for the Mormon missionaries. :) When I asked her how she felt after getting baptized she said she felt like she had passed
on to heaven. :)
Well that's pretty much all I have for this week. Here's some random pictures!

Just a nice walk to church in sunny, palm tree-y Elche.
My lovely district.

This is Carolina, one of our members. She's the cutest and I love visiting with her.
Our completes from the other week.

The two Chileans here in ESPAÑAAAAAA.

Oh. Chile is the winner so we are celebrating today with Chilean jerseys.
I love you all lots! Have a great week and enjoy the Fourth of July!
Love, Hermana Moore
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